CJUS 321 Juvenile Corrections

Examines the extent to which juvenile correctional interventions are used. Provides an in-depth analysis of various correctional responses to juvenile offenders including diversion, community-based, and residential programs.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

This course provides the foundation for the specialization in Juvenile Corrections.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (5)

There will be 5 opportunities for discussion participation on topics provided.  Student participation is expected, and will be graded. The student must use proper etiquette in discussion as both quality and quantity count. Posts cannot be edited or removed, and file attachments are discouraged since they may slow up reading. For the thread, each student will present his or her own informed opinion on the assigned topic in at least a 300 word or more original essay (with citations to support their assertions for full credit to be possible). Later in the same week, the student will post 150 word or more responses to at least 2 other students’ posts (don’t let the minimums be your maximum: minimal participation means a minimally passing grade).

Critical Article Review Assignment

The student will further develop their ability to assimilate and synthesize information. The student must find and critically review a scholarly, academic journal article on a topic related to one of the chapters in the textbook. The student may use an article referenced at the end of the chapters in the Siegel and Welsh text or they may find an article through the library’s periodical database. The critical article review will consist of 3–5 pages.

Compare/Contrast Paper Assignment

The student will write a well-reasoned discussion of the comparisons and contrasts between two types of juvenile delinquency programs or correctional methods. The Compare/Contrast paper will consist of 5-7 pages.

Case Study Assignment

The student will write a case study pertaining to a juvenile corrections issue in their jurisdiction. This case study is an opportunity for the student to apply their reading and what they have learned in this course to a real problem in their local jurisdiction. The basis of the case study can come from the facts from a recent judicial decision (last 5 years), an issue that their jurisdiction is facing in connection with youth offenders, or a news item pertaining to youth offenders. The student will then apply what they have learned in this course to propose a course of action appropriate to the context of the case facts.

Watch & Interact Assignments (16)

Each module students will watch a brief video and answer multiple choice questions related to the video.

Quiz: Midterm and Final (2)

There are two exams in this course. Even though the questions are multiple-choice, they cannot simply be answered by looking up the answer in the readings. The student must think, reflect upon, and choose the best answer based on the readings. Quizzes are open-book/open-notes, but are not to be collaborated on with anyone. Quiz: Midterm is 50 questions and has a 2 hour time limit and Quiz: Final is 100 questions and has a 4 hour time limit.

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