BUSI 431 Sales Management and Professional Selling
Course Description
This course presents each component of the sales cycle in a business-to-business selling environment. Students will master models for initiating sales contacts, identifying and defining prospects’ needs, and presenting and gaining commitment for a proposed solution.
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
Systematic purchasing of goods and services begins with a customer’s needs and leads to a transaction where two companies enter into a business relationship and where an exchange of payment is made for needed goods and services. Creating a positive, long-lasting relationship between the buyer and seller is a very deliberate process that involves the ethical and honest presentation of information and where product and service characteristics, performance, product availability, and pricing are exchanged with one another. Building upon trust, the successful relationship may last for many years as both companies benefit from the commercial exchange. BUSI 431 examines the principles and practices of professional sales management, complimenting all areas of business disciplines.
Course Assignment
Textbook readings and lecture presentations
No details available.
Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (4)
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will create a Discussion in response to the provided prompt. Each Discussion must be at least 350 words, not including references, and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Each Discussion must have at least one reference in the current APA format. In addition to the Discussion, the student will reply to at least two other classmates’ Discussions, including at least one reference in the current APA format. Each reply must be at least 200 words.
Sales Plan Assignments
The student will develop a detailed Sales Plan (SP) that follows the SP Outline and the SP instructions. This assignment will be completed in four parts:
- Drafts – There will be four Sales Plan drafts (including the Final draft). Each must demonstrate college-level writing and be completed in Microsoft Word. Each draft requires scholarly research.
Sales Plan: Company and Market(s) AssignmentSales Plan: Your Company and Your Customers AssignmentSales Plan: Value Proposition and Product Benefits AssignmentSales Plan: The Complete Sales Plan Assignment
- Peer-Review Discussion: Sales Plan: Review and Reply – The student will read, review, and analyze one other Sales Plan and substantially provide relevant insightful feedback. The response must be in current APA format, demonstrate college-level writing, and be completed in Microsoft Word. The analysis must be at least 350 words.
Essay Assignments (3)
The student will write three essays, each of which must be least 1,000 words in length, excluding the references, and must be in current APA format. The purpose of each essay is for the student to fully develop his or her analytical skills in important elements of sales management and partnership development. Each essay must demonstrate college-level writing, be completed in Microsoft Word, and have at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook.
Each quiz will cover the Learn material for the assigned Module: Week. Each quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain 25 multiple-choice questions, and have a 45-minute time limit. For the student who exceeds this time limit, a penalty of one point may be deducted for each minute, or part thereof, that exceeds the assigned time limit.

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