Aviation Safety Program

Safety Reporting
Safety is critical. The safety and well-being of our faculty, staff, and students are critical to LUSOA’s mission of training Champions for Christ. LUSOA maintains an absolute commitment to safety as a stewardship ethic and core value of our organization.
LUSOA highly encourages employees and students to report any hazards or safety concerns through their supervisor and/or through confidential safety reports. Safety reports can be submitted online [by clicking the box to the top right of this page]. These reports are sent directly to the Director of Safety, are taken seriously by leadership, and are kept strictly confidential unless marked otherwise. No safety report will result in retaliation or punishment.
*Note: Online students are encouraged to report any safety concerns directly to their Flight Training Affiliate as described in the FTA Student Handbook.
NASA Reports
NASA reports are voluntary, confidential, non-punitive reports that are used to improve safety within the National Airspace System. If you are concerned that you may have violated a federal regulation, please report it using the Operations Reporting link (above) and then submit a NASA Safety Report on the ASRS website.
The Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) is operated by NASA and “captures confidential reports, analyzes the resulting aviation safety data, and disseminates vital information to the aviation community”.
Director of Safety

Andrew Walton
Director of Safety