Wayne Strasser, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering (CFD) – Virginia Tech
- M.S. Mechanical Engineering (CFD) – Clemson University
- B.S. Chemical Engineering – Clemson University
Personal Mission Statement: “To maximize Christ’s glory by earning recognition in providing timely, rigorous, and viable computational fluid dynamics analyses.”
Dr. Wayne Strasser has provided computational solutions to problems related to fluids, reactions, and phase change for various global industry partners for 25 years, resulting in increased energy utilization and improved product yield valued at tens of millions (USD) annually.
The thrusts of his current research include optimization of a transonic self-sustaining pulsatile airblast atomizer and hybrid RANS-LES modeling of primary atomization. He has 36 patents in the US, plus those abroad.
He is a registered P.E. in three US states, an ASME Fellow, an Executive Director for ASTFE, the TFEC2019 Conference Co-Chair, and operates a private CFD consulting company. He previously chaired the ASME Fluid Applications and Systems Technical Committee and the ASME Honors and Awards Committee, but he now chairs the ASME Fluid Mechanics Technical Committee. He co-organizes two ASME symposia annually related to Industrial and Environmental flows, and he actively reviews articles for at least a dozen journals. For the Journal of Fluids Engineering, he is an Associate Editor in the areas of pumps and multiphase flows.
He also enjoys lively philosophical debate on the origin and meaning of life.
Research Site
F.L.U.I.D. (Flow at Liberty University for Innovation & Design) is a research group for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in utilizing the scientific research process while exploring various engineering-related topics.
For the most complete and up-to-date information pertaining to all of Dr. Wayne Strasser’s research activities and history, visit fluidgroup.org and the YouTube channel.
Specialty Areas
- Multiphase reactors
- Industrial equipment
- Turbulence
- Unsteadiness
Learn more about F.L.U.I.D.F.L.U.I.D. Research YouTube Channel
Research Sponsors
Media Mentions
Covid-19 Research:
- Liberty Champion: Engineering Professor Uses Talents in the War on COVID-19
- LU News: Engineering Research on Containment of COVID-19
- Fox Interview: How COVID-19 Spreads with Nasal Devices
- ANSYS: Simulation-Based Analysis to Limit the Spread
- WDBJ7 Interview: Research Towards the Fight Against the Pandemic
- Liberty professors team up to develop, refine world’s smallest ventilator