Location & Facilities
Technology and Labs
The School of Engineering is located on the 3rd floor of DeMoss Hall, which is on the main campus of Liberty University. All of the labs and faculty offices are connected by Liberty’s advanced fiber-optic network that provides access to the internet and various networked applications. The university also provides wireless coverage via 802.11n wireless access points from Aruba Wireless Networking technologies.
The Department moved into the area in the Summer of 2007. Each classroom is equipped with state of the art multimedia technologies and encompasses some of the latest cutting-edge technologies that the industry offers.
Each classroom has recording technologies so that lectures can be downloaded by the students. Our networking lab is outfitted with Accordent Technologies for video, audio, and whiteboard capturing.
If students want to access or use specific equipment, laboratory technicians are available to help locate and train them accordingly.
Thermal Fluids Lab
- Air Flow Bench
- Inclinable Nanometer
- Refrigeration system demonstrator
- Pressure measurement bench
- Refrigeration training system
- Hydrostatics and Properties of Fluid Apparatus
- Flow Measurement Apparatus
- Pump Lab
- Pipework Energy Losses
- Steam Motor and Energy Conversion
- Linear heat conduction
- Conductivity of Liquids and Gasses Experiment
- Plate Heat Exchanger
- Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger
- Shell and tube Heat Exchanger
- Jacketed Vessel with Coil and stirrer
- Heat Transfer Experiment Base Unit
- Radial Heat conduction Experiment
- Heat Exchanger service module
- Temperature Measurement and Calibration
Electrical Engineering Labs
- Crestron controlled lecterns with NEC multitouch displays
- Two dedicated Electrical Engineering lab
- Agilent 54855 Infiniium Oscilloscopes
- Agilent MSO 6012A Oscilloscopes
- Agilent 9320A Spectrum Analyzers
- Agilent 34410A Digital Multimeters
- Agilent 32220 Digital Waveform Generators
- Agilent E3631A Power Supplies
- Agilent 33250A Waveform Generators
- Agilent 4287A LCR Meters
- QuadTech Precision LCR Meters
- Digital Analog Trainers
- Miscellaneous Electrical Components (Resistors, Transistors, Capacitors, etc…)
- Soldering Irons
- + additional equipment not listed
Mechanical Lab
- Diaphragm
- Strain Guage Trainer
- Fatigue Testing Machine
- Torsion Testing Machine
- Static and Dynamic Balancing
- Thin Cylinder
- Shear Force in a Beam
- Instron
- Deflection of Beams
- Bending Stress in a Beam
- Creep Machine
- Precision Motor Speed Unit
3D Printing Lab
- 3-D Print
- 2 UltiMakers
- 3 Makerbots
- 1 Cubic Meter printer
- 1 Fortus 250mc
Machine Shop
- Power Tools
- Basic Tooling
- Drill Press
- Band saw
- Laser CNC
- Denford (wood) CNC
- Metal CNC
- Lathe
Faculty Research/EMC Lab
- Stratasys Fortus 250 3D Printer
- Universal Laser PLS 4.75
- Agilent FE-SEM
- Park XE-100 Atomic Force Microscope
- AmScope ME500T Polarizing Darkfield Metallurgical Microscope with 5 Megapixel Camera
- DiMatix 2200 Thinfilms Printer
- Crestron controlled lecterns with NEC multitouch displays
- Audio recording
- 2 Dell T7400 Quad-Core Research & Simulation Workstations
- 36 Sunray 270 Thin Clients
- VEX Robotics Kits
- Tektronix Realtime Spectrum Analyzer; 9kHz-14GHz, 40MHz Capture
- Rohde & Schwarz ESU40 EMI Test Receiver
- Tektronix 2465 300 mhz oscilloscope
- HP 5316B Universal counter
- HP 8840A Multimeter
- HP 6237B Power Supply
- HP 6012B Power Supply
- Marconi Instruments 2955 Radio Communication Test Set
- HP 83731B Synthesized Signal Generator
- HP 5411D Digitizing Oscilloscope
- HP 8591E Spectrum Analyzer
- HP8656A Signal Generator
- Tektronix 464 Oscilloscope
- HP 1740A Oscilloscope
- HP 83201A Dual Mode Cellular Adapter
- HP 4262A LCR meter
- HP 437B Power meter
- Fluke 117 Multimeter
- Lorch Microwave 3nf-500/1000-s Tunable notch filter 500-1000 Mhz
- Lorch Microwave 3nf-100/200-s Tunable notch filter 100-200 Mhz
- Lorch Microwave 3nf-250/500-s Tunable notch filter 250-500 Mhz
- Narda 769-30 High Power Attenuator (2)
- Narda 369BNM0825 High Power Terminator
- HP 6200B Power supply
- HP 400EL Voltmeter
- HP 204C Oscillator
- HP 5335A Universal counter
- HP 8903B Audio Analyzer
- Newstar NF-500 AC-AC Converter
- ETC-Lindgren 3142 Biconical Antenna
- ETC-Lindgren 3148 Periodic Antenna
- ETC-Lindgren 3104C Biconical Antenna
- ETC-Lindgren 3117 Double-ridged Waveguide Horn
- ETC-Lindgren Model 3121C-D
- ETC-Lindgren Model 3148-93148
- ETC-Lindgren Model 3816-2
- 2081 Turntable
- EMCO 2071 antenna positioner (mast)
- EMCO 3104C biconical (type1)
- EMCO 3725/2M LISN (type2)
- EMCO 3117 DRG Horn (Medium)
- EMCO 3142C biconilog (type4)
- EMCO 3148 (2) log periodic
- EMCO 3121C-DB1 dipole Balun 1 (2)
- EMCO 3121C-DB2 dipole Balun 2 (2)
- EMCO 3121C-DB3 dipole Balun 3 (2)
- EMCO 3121C-DB4 dipole Balun 4 (2)
- EMCO 2090-2 device controller
- PC Workstations (3)
- SmartUPS 2200
Software Labs
- Crestron controlled lecterns with NEC multitouch displays
- Audio recording
- Two state-of-the-art software development labs
- Crestron controlled lecterns with NEC multitouch displays
- Dual-projection Panasonic Projection Systems
- Utilization of Windows Vista, Linux, and Solaris
- 48 Dell Optiplex Workstations
- Software: Solidworks, Wireshark, Simio Simulations Software, MatLab, Mathematica, Microsoft Office 2007, NI Multisim, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server, Aptana, Adobe CS4, SunNetBeans with Eclipse, SPSS, MultiSim, Sun VirtualBox as well as other packages specific to the School of Engineering.
Network Engineering Lab
- 24 Dell Optiplex Linux/Windows/UNIX Workstation
- SMART Technologies 600 Series Interactive Whiteboard
- Crestron controlled lecterns with NEC multitouch displays
- Accordent Smart Classroom Capture System
- Cisco Networking Rack (various models)
- Juniper SX 240 Network Firewall
- IBM Proventia
- 6- IBM P570 eSeries Server
- 2 Sun T2000 8-Core Servers
- 2 Sun X4440 Quad-4 Core Servers
- 2 Sun 7310 24 TB Unified Storage System utilizing Sun Open Storage
- 2 Sun X4170 Servers
** Virtual Lab of 50 Virtual Workstations
Multipurpose Lab
- SMART Technologies 600 Series Interactive Whiteboard
- Crestron controlled lecterns with NEC multitouch displays
- Audio recording
- Seating for up to 30