Student Accounts Official Itemized Statement
An itemized statement is an account statement summarizing the charges and payments for a particular semester. This statement can be used for tuition reimbursement and student records. An itemized statement will include all charges and payments for the semester requested.
Itemized Receipt Instructions
Students can access their own Itemized Receipts in Financial Check-In (FCI). To save a copy of the Itemized Receipt select the FCI Button below, select the relevant term, and then select the “View Itemized Receipt PDF” link.
Financially Responsible Parties are also able to access itemized receipts for their students in Liberty University Online Academy (LUOA) FCI by selecting the LUOA FCI button below, selecting the relevant student and term, and then selecting the “View Itemized Receipt PDF” link.
After the statement is generated, it will open as a PDF in a separate tab. You can download it or save it for your records as needed. Financial Check-In must be complete for the relevant term to access the Itemized Receipt. If you would like to request an Itemized Receipt for a term that you have not checked-in for yet, please contact Student Accounts.
By submitting a request, a statement will be generated for you based on the current information on your student account. To provide more prompt service, all information must be included in your itemized statement. Due to online classes occurring in sub-terms, all courses must be listed on the itemized statement.
FCI Portal for Online and Residential Students
FCI Portal for Liberty University Online Academy Students