Keith Starcher, B.S, MBA, Ph.D

Engineering Management
- Ph.D. in Engineering Science from the University of South Florida
- MBA from the University of South Florida
- B.S. Metallurgy from Penn State University
- “Characteristics of Part-Time Online Instructors: A Comparison of for-Profit Versus Nonprofit Faith-Based Institutions,” Christian Higher Education, 16(5), 2017, 303-318, DOI: 10.1080/15363759.2017.1315752
- “Relationship of Religious Commitment to Characteristics of Part-time, Online instructors,” Christian Business Academy Review, Spring 2016.
- “An Examination of Adjunct Faculty Characteristics: Comparison between Non-Profit and For-Profit Institutions,” co-authored with Jean Mandernauch (Grand Canyon University), Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 19 (1), Spring 2016.
- “Is this Course worth my time? Key Factors in Adult Online Student Satisfaction,” co-authored with George Howell and Amber Simos, Currents in Teaching and Learning, 8 (1), March 2016.
- “Reducing Statistics Anxiety in Undergraduate Business Students,” Currents in Teaching and Learning, 7(2), February 2016.
- “Relationship of core self-evaluation (CSE) to approaches to student learning and studying,” The College Quarterly, 18(2), Spring 2015.
- “Adjuncts and Mission: Maintaining Distinctives in an Era of Part-time Faculty,” co-authored with Yvonne Smith and David J. Burns, Christian Business Academy Review, Spring 2015.
- Curriculum writer for to MGMT-522 (Marketing Management) for the College of Adult and Professional Studies (2013)
- “Koinonia and Research: The Role of Community in Providing a Voice in the Academy”, co-authored with Yvonne Smith and David J. Burns, “Christian Business Academy Review”, Spring 2013.
- “Scholarship and Relationship in the Integration of Faith & Learning”, Growth: The Journal of the Association for Christians in Student Development, Spring 2012.
- “Why I’ve Stopped Teaching”, The Teaching Professor, December, 2011.
- “Encouraging Students to Read: What Professors Are (and Aren’t) Doing About It”, co-author, Dennis Proffitt, Southwestern College, International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23 (3), 2011.
- “Intentionally Building Rapport with Students”, College Teaching, 59:4, 161-162.