Before joining Liberty University, Dr. Kyung Bae has worked as a research faculty of Wireless@Virginia Tech, a wireless communication research center at Virginia Tech.
His research interests are the design and analysis of wireless communication systems with a focus on physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) layers in the communication protocol stack. Especially, his primary research interest is on designing radios/wireless networks with different levels of intelligence and their applications such as cognitive radios/networks in dynamic spectrum access (DSA) and machine-to-machine communications.
Dr. Bae also has a great interest in preparing engineering students through classes, directed research, and mentorship so that they can contribute to society through services and innovations in engineering.
During the course of his graduate study and professional career, he has been involved in a number of research projects funded by the NSF, national research labs, and private companies. His research has been published in a diverse range of IEEE journals and conferences.
Selected List of Publications
- A. He, S. Srikanteswara, Kyung K. Bae, T. R. Newman, J. H. Reed, W. H. Tranter, M. Sajadieh, and M. Verhelst, “Power Consumption Minimization for MIMO Systems – A Cognitive Radio Approach,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vo. 29, no.2, February 2011.
- A. He, S. Srikanteswara, Kyung K. Bae, J. H. Reed, and W. H. Tranter, “Energy Consumption Minimization for Mobile and Wireless Devices – A Cognitive Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 56, no. 3, August, 2010.
- A. He, Kyung K. Bae, T. Newman, J. Gaeddert, K. Kim, R. Menon, L. Morales, J. Neel, Y. Zhao, J. H. Reed, and W. H. Tranter, “A survey of artificial intelligence for cognitive radios,” IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, vol. 59, no. 4, May 2010.
- A. He, S. Srikanteswara, Kyung K. Bae, T. R. Newman, J. H. Reed, W. H. Tranter, M. Sajadieh, and M. Verhelst, “Power consumption minimization for MIMO systems using cognitive radio,” in Proc. of Software Define Radio (SDR), Dec., 2009.
- A. He, J. Gaeddert, Kyung K. Bae, T. Newman, J. H. Reed, L. Morales, and C. Park, “Development of a case-based reasoning cognitive engine for IEEE 802.22 WRAN applications,” ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, vol. 13, no. 2, Apr. 2009.
- A. He, S. Srikanteswara, Kyung K. Bae, T. R. Newman, J. H. Reed, W. H. Tranter, M. Sajadieh, and M. Verhelst, “System power consumption minimization for multichannel communications using cognitive radio,” in Proc. of COMCAS, Nov., 2009.
- A. He, S. Srikanteswara, J. H. Reed, X. Chen, W. H. Tranter, Kyung K. Bae, and M. Sajadieh, “Minimizing energy consumption using cognitive radio,” in DSA-CRN, IPCCC, Dec., 2008.
- Y. Zhao, J. Gaeddert, L. Morales. Kyung K. Bae, J. Um, and J. H. Reed, “Development of Radio Environment Map Enabled Case- and Knowledge-Based Learning Algorithms for IEEE 802.22 WRAN Cognitive Engines,” IEEE CrownCom, Aug., 2007.
- Y. Zhao, L. Morales, J. Gaeddert, Kyung K. Bae, J. Um, and J. H. Reed, “Applying Radio Environment Maps to Cognitive Wireless Regional Area Networks,” IEEE DySPAN, April 2007.
- K. Kim, I. Akbar, Kyung K. Bae, C. Spooner, J. Um, and J. H. Reed, “Cyclostationary Approaches to Signal Detection and Classification in Cognitive Radio,” IEEE DySPAN, April 2007.
- J. Kim, Kyung K. Bae, J. H. Reed, and A. Annamalai, “Transmit and Receive Diversity in the Uplink of DS/CDMA Cellular Systems,” in Proc. IEEE VTC, April 2007.
- J. Kim, Kyung K. Bae, J. H. Reed, and A. Annamalai, “Capacity and Coverage of Reverse Link DS/CDMA Cellular Systems with MIMO Implementations,” Proc. IEEE ICC, June 2007.
- Y. Zhao, J. Gaeddert, Kyung K. Bae, and J. H. Reed, “Radio Environment Map Enabled Situation-Aware Cognitive Radio Learning Algorithms,” Proc. of Software Defined Radio (SDR), November, 2006.
- Y. Zhao, J. H. Reed, S. Mao, and Kyung K. Bae, “Overhead Analysis for Radio Environment Map-enabled Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE Workshop on Networking Technologies for SDR Networks, September 2006.