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Building Your Portfolio

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Building a portfolio is a great way to make up for a lack of experience in your field. Other candidates might have more years than you, but with a portfolio that shows quality work, an employer could overlook a lack of experience for an abundance of talent.

If you’re ready to build your portfolio, follow these steps:

Choose a medium

When creating a digital portfolio, there are countless options for how you can create it.

Here are some recommendations for you to get started:

Take time to research and decide what platform works best for you!

Also, don’t forget that your portfolio represents you; it’s a part of your personal brand. Utilize formats, but make sure it represents your personality and passions. Your portfolio should feel like you.

Create navigation

When creating your portfolio, using navigation and tabs can make it so much easier for people looking through your site. To start, create an “about” section that introduces you, your passions, and your future goals. You also want to show your range, so if you have experience in multiple areas, create navigation tabs to separate them.

Select your content

Include class projects, accomplishments, freelance work, published work, or certifications. If it’s high quality and represents your skills, it’s worth including.

Also, if you’re worried about not having much content for your portfolio, create something! If you’re a journalism student, start your own blog. If you’re in event planning, create an event with a local business or put together something on campus. Even if you don’t have a lot of experience in your field, these types of projects show employers that you are passionate about what you do and seek out opportunities for growth.

Meet with a Career Coach

If you need help with your portfolio or want to ensure it is ready for the eyes of hiring managers, meet with a career coach! They can provide helpful critiques that you might miss without professional guidance.

As of Fall 2022, Career Services now offers weekly Open Lab; Portfolio building hours. There are no need for appointments to come to the Career Center and work on your portfolio along side a career coach. Times are Mondays 4-5 p.m. and Thursdays 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. To learn more about these and other events click here.

Written by Stephanie Haydon  

Edited by Lindsey Erickson  

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