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B.S. in Communication

Residential B.S. in Communication

Prepare to transform culture, organizations, and lives with a Bachelor of Science in Communication degree from Liberty University’s Department of Strategic and Personal Communication.

Study a variety of topics that will equip you to know yourself and your audiences well. Gain the critical thinking, writing, and presentation skills you need to lead in today’s job market.

Taught in an environment that encourages innovation, resilience, and a commitment to Christian values, you’ll receive a current theoretical and professional education from our communication programs, and learn how to apply that knowledge to real-life scenarios and clients. Graduate ready to bring new solutions into the marketplace as a powerhouse that knows people and how to connect with them.

Experience firsthand the difference that excellent communication makes in all areas of life.

Learn How To:

  • Know your audience. Gain a thorough understanding of how and why certain messages are communicated through what’s spoken, and observation of non-verbals using communication models that stand the test of time.
  • Create and deliver effective messages specific to your target audience.
  • Lead teams through conflict resolution and creative problem-solving with a knowledge of your leadership strengths and how to identify those in others.

This degree is offered through the Department of Strategic & Personal Communication.

Credit Hours

120 credit hours


Admission Requirements

View Liberty’s undergraduate admissions requirements

Communication Courses You Could Take

  • Communication & Popular Culture (SCOM 210)
  • Essentials of Customer Service (SCOM 358)
  • Human Communication in a Technological Age (SCOM 410)
  • Event Planning & Comm. Coordination (SCOM 430)
  • Crisis Communication & Negotiation (SCOM 490)
  • Argumentation (SCOM 335)

Start Your Career in Communication

Career Opportunities for Communication Majors

  • Fundraising/Development Coordinator
  • Communication Director
  • Sales Director
  • Nonprofit Communication
  • Community Relations Manager
  • Event Coordinator
  • Public Affairs Coordinator
  • Communication Analyst
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