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Amnesty Means…

You will NOT be disciplined for Liberty Way violations that took place in circumstances where you experienced, witnessed, or committed sexual misconduct.


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Why Does it Matter?

The Amnesty policy allows you to share your experiences with the OEC without fear of disciplinary action from the University for Liberty Way violations related to your case.


Who Does it Apply To?

Amnesty applies to complainants, respondents, witnesses, and all those involved in our process. We want everyone to be able to share their experience without fear.

Definition of Complainant
Definition of Respondent


What Does it Look Like?

Example: A student shares with their RA that they were sexually assaulted at a party they recently attended. The student also shares that they were drinking alcohol at the party.Amnesty means this student will not be disciplined for drinking alcohol (a Liberty Way violation) because it is related to the sexual assault they experienced.


Have Questions? Contact Us! 

For more information on Amnesty visit Liberty University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy

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