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Immediate Steps After a Sexual Assault

You Have Been Assaulted. What Do You Do?

After a sexual assault, victims often sense a loss of control. This is normal. Know that there are people on and off campus who will offer free, confidential support and can help you make the decisions that are right for you to take care of yourself. You may want to report the assault immediately to authorities. You may not. The decision is yours to make. If you choose to report the sexual assault, you don’t need to go through any of the procedures alone. A friend, relative, or rape crisis center counselor/advocate can accompany you and support you.

If, at any point during the medical or legal procedures, you don’t understand what is happening – ask. The nurse, doctor, police officer, Commonwealth’s Attorney, and rape crisis center advocate are available to explain things to you.

Remember that sexual assault and sexual violence are serious, inexcusable crimes. They are crimes that could happen to anyone. No matter what the circumstances were; the assault was not your fault.

If You Are Not Safe or Need Immediate Help

Call LUPD (On Campus)

Call 911 (Off-Campus)

Seeking Medical Care

Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Evidence Collection

Costs Involved




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