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Course Substitution

A course substitution request is made when a student desires to substitute one course for a required course when a clear relationship exists between the two.  This form may also be used for a complete replacement of a Liberty course requirement.

Course Substitution Process

  • Visit the LU Transfer Suite
  • Submit either a Completed or Future Course Evaluation -definitions of evaluations are included on the Transfer Suite Landing Page or found here.
  • A decision will be emailed within 5-7 business days after submission.

How a Course Substitution Applies to the Degree Completion Plan Audit (DCPA):

  • An approved course substitution will apply in the degree requirement(s) but will not change the course prefix and number on a transcript, nor will it change the GPA.
  • A lower-level course substituting for an upper-level requirement is not able to count toward the number of upper-level hours required.
  • Changing programs or breaking enrollment may nullify the request; if this occurs, a new Course Substitution request would be needed for the new degree program.
  • One course may fulfill both a General Education requirement and a Major Foundational requirement. (Consult your Advisor for more information). Note that a separate Course Substitution request would typically be needed for each requirement.
  • A graduate course is not able to be applied to an undergraduate program.


  • Resident Transfer Students: If you think a transfer course is equivalent to a Liberty requirement, please visit the LU Transfer Suite to have your transfer course reevaluated. At any point prior to degree conferral, students may petition to have courses that are listed as electives (i.e., ELEC 1XX/2XX/3XX) substitute for required courses by using the Course Substitution Form.
  • Liberty University School of Engineering (LUSE) Residential Majors: For its major courses and other required courses found on the right-side of the Degree Completion Plan, this school utilizes a different course substitution form and process. Therefore, please use the LUSE Course Evaluation Form. This form can be emailed to the Accreditation Coordinator, whose contact information can be found on the Engineering Faculty and Staff Page.


  • A request may be sent back to you with a request to make adjustments if the form has incorrect or incomplete information
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