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Transfer Course Request & Appeal Forms

There are two types of Course Evaluations, which are described below. Both types of evaluation requests can be viewed and submitted via the Transfer Suite

Completed Course Evaluation (CCE) – This is a request to appeal a course you’ve already completed from any institution to fulfill a course that is required for your Liberty University degree.

Future Course Evaluation FCE) – This is a request to take a course in the future from any institution and use it for your Liberty University degree.

Note that both types of evaluation requests, if approved, can be approved either for direct transfer or as a Course Substitution depending on the situation.

Unofficial Transfer Consultation (UTC) – Pre-Admission credit evaluation

School of Engineering Forms*

Course Substitution – SOE


Forms that do not appear on the website must be obtained from the Registrar’s Office or your Academic Advisor.

Many forms apply only to residential programs and not to Liberty University Online programs, and vice versa.

All forms must be completed and processed according to the guidelines in the Academic Policy Handbook and the University Catalog in order to be considered official.

Please call (434) 592-5100 if you need additional information.

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