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Institutional Challenge Examinations (ICE)

Register using the ICE Request Form

Institutional Challenge Examinations (ICE) are available to students with a satisfactory justification of previous knowledge in a subject area based upon a non-college training program, job experience, or self-learning. Through ICE, you have the opportunity to earn credit toward your chosen degree program. To apply for credit by examination, students must register for an ICE exam by completing the ICE Request Form. ICE has been created specifically for Liberty University students. Other institutions are not obligated to recognize or transfer the credit.


  • A non-refundable registration fee of $130 will be charged for each ICE registration. Business, History, Psychology, and Sociology exams at the undergraduate level come with the option of a study materials package for an additional $45. Students can select to purchase these materials when filling out the online form. The study materials are accessed online through Canvas.

**The purchase of study materials is only for access prior to the ICE exam. **Exam fees are non-refundable.

Rules for the ICE

  • For the residential formats of EVAN 101, CSIS 111 & CSIS 112, CSCN 111 and CSCN 112, please email to register
  • Students are not required to have matriculated into Liberty but must be an accepted student in order to register for an exam.
  • The use of notes, books, websites, and other materials is prohibited while taking the exam.
  • The test must be completed in one sitting. If the student stops or exits the exam, this will be considered a completed attempt. He/she will be able to complete a second attempt after the two month waiting period.
  • The only person who is eligible to take this exam is the registered student.
  • Two attempts are permitted per ICE. Re-registration is permitted after 2 months between attempts. Please note, students are required to pay the registration fee again prior to the second attempt.
  • The minimum passing score for undergraduate level exams is 70%.
  • The minimum passing score for graduate level exams is 80%.
  • ICE credit is treated as transfer credit when applied to a student’s DCPA. The amount of transfer hours that each degree can accept can be found at the bottom of the first page of the DCP.
  • A maximum of 30 hours of ICE credits will be accepted toward each academic level (UG, GR, and DR) the number of transfer credits that may be applied toward each major may vary. Each program specifies the minimum number of hours which must be completed through Liberty. ICE credit hours do not count towards this minimum.
  • Students may not take the ICE if the course is currently being taken or if the student is registered for the class in a future semester.
  • Each exam will be available for 30 days after registration has been processed. If a student does not attempt the exam within 30 days their access will be removed. Student must register and pay for the exam again.
  • ICE has been created specifically for Liberty University students. Other institutions are not obligated to recognize or transfer the credit.
  • Students may register for a maximum of two ICE at a time.
  • A passed ICE is awarded a grade of “P” (passing) and does not count toward the student’s grade point average. A failed ICE exam does not impact the student’s GPA.
  • Registration requests are processed by the Registrar’s office within one business day.
  • Students pursuing a second Master’s degree from Liberty should email to confirm which exams will fit into your degree plan.
  • Students who have a confirmed academic misconduct report in a previously attempt of the course, are not permitted to complete an ICE for the same course.

Institutional Challenge Examinations (ICE) Currently Offered


Course Description Credit Hours Test Offered
BIBL 104 Survey of Old & New Testament 4
BIBL 105 Old Testament Survey 2
BIBL 110 New Testament Survey 2
BIBL 450 Daniel: Revelation 3
BUSI 300** Business Communications 3
BUSI 301** Legal and Ethical Concepts for Decision Makers 3
BUSI 310** Principles of Management 3
BUSI 330** Principles of Marketing 3
CSIS 100 Introduction to Information Sciences & Systems 3
CSIS 110* Introduction to Computing Sciences-Online students only 3
CSCN 110* Introduction to Computing Sciences-Residential students only 3
CSIS 111* Introduction to Programming 3 Residential Format Only
CSIS 112* Advanced Programming 3 Residential Format Only
EVAN 101 Evangelism & Christian Life 2 Residential Format Only
GREK 201 Greek Grammar I 3
GREK 202 Greek Grammar II 3
HIEU 201** History of Western Civilization 3
HIUS 221** Survey of American History I 3
HIUS 222** Survey of American History II 3
PSYC 101** General Psychology 3
SOCI 200** Introduction to Sociology 3
THEO 104 Introduction to Theology Survey 4
THEO 201 Theology Survey I 2
THEO 202 Theology Survey II 2

*Must be taken in prerequisite order **These exams offer an additional option of study materials (additional fee)


Course Description Credit Hours
CHHI 520 History of Christianity I 3
CHHI 525 History of Christianity II 3
NBST 515 New Testament Orientation I 3
NBST 520 New Testament Orientation II 3
NGRK 505 Greek Language Tools 3
NGRK 520 Beginning Greek I 3
NGRK 525 Beginning Greek II 3
OBST 515 Old Testament Orientation I 3
OBST 520 Old Testament Orientation II 3
OTCL 505 Hebrew Language Tools 3
OTCL 520 Beginning Hebrew I 3
OTCL 525 Beginning Hebrew II 3
THEO 525 Systematic Theology I 3
THEO 530 Systematic Theology II 3
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