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Nursing Honors Society

Psi Delta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International

The Liberty University School of Nursing is a proud member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Our chapter is Psi Delta.

The criteria for admission to the Psi Delta Chapter are consistent with the Sigma Theta Tau International, Incorporated bylaws. Each year, LUSON nursing students are invited to Psi Delta Chapter membership based on the 2013-2015 Biennium Honor Society bylaws:

  • Students in graduate programs shall be eligible for membership if they have achieved excellence according to the standards approved by the Society.
  • Graduate program is defined as an accredited program of graduate study in nursing including master, postgraduate, doctoral, and post-doctoral.
  • Students shall have completed a minimum of one-quarter of the required graduate curriculum.
  • Students in graduate programs, who are registered nurses, legally recognized to practice in their country, and have a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or equivalent in any field, shall be eligible to be considered as a nurse leader at any point in the program.
  • Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the chapter’s governance committee following the guidelines adopted by the International Board of Directors.

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Psi Delta Chapter

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