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Lydia Toliver, D.W.S.

Adjunct Professor of Music


  • D.W.S., Liberty University
  • M.M. in Music Education, Miami University (Oxford, OH)
  • B. S. in Music Education, Hampton University


As a Choral Music educator in Virginia for 35 years, Dr. Toliver’s choirs received numerous awards and consistently received superior ratings at assessments and competitions. Her choirs performed in numerous states as well as Toronto, Canada. She is a recent retiree of the Chesapeake Public Schools, where she was the Director of Choral Activities at Oscar Smith High School for 25 years. She continues to serve as an accompanist, soloist, adjudicator, and choral clinician throughout the state of Virginia. As an active member of NAfME/VCDA, she has served as District representative, audition chair, assessment chair and her auditioned choir was honored to perform at the VMEA In-Service Conference in 2010. Her teaching experiences include Hampton University, Virginia Beach Public Schools, and the New York State Summer School for the Arts.  Dr. Toliver was recently named the Music Director of the I. Sherman Greene Chorale, Inc. She also serves as the Associate Director of Music and Worship at her home church, the Historic First Baptist Church in Norfolk, VA.  

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