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Registered Liberty Licensees

Become a Liberty Licensee

Any person, organization, or business wanting to use Liberty’s trademarks or verbiage on any product, apparel, video, advertisement, or for any other commercial purposes must have a license prior to production, distribution, or sale. This includes businesses that sell to university departments and organizations using the products for internal or promotional purposes.

Liberty University partners with Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) to administer our licensing program. CLC is the nation’s leading collegiate trademark licensing and marketing company, and it acts as Liberty’s exclusive trademark licensing agent. All requests to become an LU licensee must go through CLC.

Through CLC, Liberty offers two license types: Internal Campus Supplier (ICS) and Standard Retail. Your business model will dictate which license you request. Depending upon your business model, you could choose to be registered for both. An Internal Campus Supplier means you are supplying Liberty with promotional-type products that will NOT be resold; resale of a single item from an order means that royalties must be paid on full order. The Standard Retail license does not place any limits on how and where merchandise is sold.

Licensing Costs

Below are the costs of the licensing process. Additional fees may apply.

  • Application Fee: $250, depending on the license type
  • Advance Royalty Payment: Between $50-$100, depending on the product categories licensed and the license type
  • Royalty: 14% standard royalty rate. Please note that higher royalty rates may apply for other license types. Royalty payments and reports are due to CLC on a monthly basis.
  • Renewal Fee: An annual renewal fee is due to CLC for those licensees that are extended a renewal offer.
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