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Getting Started on Handshake

100% Fortune 500 Companies
100% of Fortune 500 companies are on Handshake

There is no question that having the right tool will make any job easier.

That’s why in the Fall of 2018, Liberty University Career Services introduced Handshake as the premier career search resource for all Liberty students and alumni.

The focus was to help you find career opportunities and make it easier to meet employers. Since then, Career Services has become a champion for connecting you with exciting job and internship opportunities through Handshake.

We’ve put together a series of resources articles to help you get started on Handshake.

In this article we will walk you through how to claim your account.  If you would rather watch a short video click below.

Here are 3 ways to help get you started:

1. A quick walk-thru video tutorial (2 mins.)

2. Read the article below complete with details and more resource links.

3. Attend a live, hands-on workshop where we walk you through every step in this process and other features found Handshake.

Handshake accounts are free

Liberty University provides account access for all students and alumni free of charge. If you are a residential or online student you have an account. This also includes all alumni. All you have to do is start by claiming your account.

Claiming your account (web browser version)

To claim your account simply go to

Click on the blue Liberty University button and enter your Liberty University email credentials.

If you do not have access to your Liberty email account, please contact IT HelpDesk . They will be able to get you access quickly.

Claiming your account (app version)

On mobile app begin by downloading the app from either the App Store or Google Play.

Google Play

You will be asked to enter your school name. Choose Liberty University.

Click on School Login and enter your Liberty email address.

If you do not have access to your Liberty email account, please contact IT HelpDesk . They will be able to get you access quickly.

Confirm Your Account

After you log in for the first time, Handshake will send a confirmation email to your email address.

Check your email and click the link to get started.

Once confirmed, there will be a series of questions that help provide you with customized job and internship results that match your specific needs.

For a quick walk-through here is a short video on How to Claim Your Handshake Account.

Jobs on Handshake
3.5 Millions jobs & internships in every industry.

And that is how easy it is to claim your Handshake account.

Here are few additional resources if you are having trouble logging in or this is your first time using handshake and might have more questions.

And of course, if you have any questions about this topic or others, reach out directly to Career Services at or visit our website at and we will help you discover ways to make the most of your career.

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