3 Plus 1 Accelerated Business Sequence
Gain a competitive edge in your career – earn both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in just 4 years.
Are you a high-achieving business student studying on-campus? You could save time and money through the 3 plus 1 accelerated degree plan offered by the School of Business at Liberty University. Receive an approximate time and cost savings of one full year of study.
See our popular 3 plus 1 accelerated business degree options below, or contact us to create your own 3 plus 1 plan from our bachelor’s degree listing page.
Course Sequencing for 3 Plus 1
Following our customized course sequencing plans, created by School of Business faculty, you’ll be able to begin your master’s degree after your third year at Liberty. Continue on campus and complete your program residentially, or take the remainder of your courses online. Course sequence guides for the 24-25 academic year will be published in the summer term. Please reach out to your advisor for help planning your courses.
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Advantages of Your 3 + 1 Accelerated Degree Plan
Earn both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in just 4 years.
Maximize your time, and save approximately 1 full year of study.
Popular 3 + 1 Accelerated Business Degree Options
Follow a plan below, or contact us to create your own 3 + 1 degree plan from our degree listing page.