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Photography Minor

Residential Minor in Photography

Enhance your degree or pursue a personal interest with a photography minor. Our program helps you understand composition, lighting, exposure, editing, and more as you take and edit your own photos.

A minor in photography helps you gain the skills to take pictures professionally or as a hobby.

Learn How to:

  • Develop and print from black and white film.
  • Operate a digital single-lens reflex camera with proficiency.
  • Integrate professional trade secrets, shooting tips and lighting techniques into your work.
  • Compete in the ever-changing field of digital visual communications.

Academics: Photography Minor

Credit Hours

  • 18 credit hours

Program of Study

Required Courses

  • Intro to Film Photography (ARTS 301)
  • Digital Imaging (ARTS 342)
  • Digital Photography (ARTS 361)
  • Advanced Digital Photography (ARTS 461)
  • Conceptual/Fine Art Photography and Portfolio (ARTS 469)
  • Intro to 2D Design (ARTS/FACS 1130) or Intro to 3D Design (Arts 114)

Career Opportunities in Photography

  • Wedding Photographer
  • Portrait Photographer
  • Commercial Photographer
  • Stock and/or Advertising Photographer

Student Testimonial

“I decided to pursue my minor in photography because the photography professors are very willing to help if you have any questions. Because of their instruction, my photography skills improved and my passion for it continues to grow. SADA taught me the different ways of the industry and what it takes to be hired.”

– Dale Carty II

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