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CSI-Rho Eta Student Chapter

Promoting Excellence in the Profession of Counseling

Our mission is to promote scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership, advocacy, and excellence in counseling, and to recognize high attainment in the pursuit of academic and clinical excellence in the profession of counseling.

About CSI-Rho Eta

Rho Eta is the Student Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota (CSI) International Counseling Honor Society. Our chapter has active members including current residential and online students, alumni, and faculty. We focus on promoting excellence in the profession of counseling and hope to get members more involved in professional development, community engagement, wellness, and human dignity.

For further information on the residential CSI – Rho Eta Student Chapter, join us on the CSI website, or contact Lana Khoury at lkhoury@liberty.edu.

Learn about our CSI – Rho Eta Online Student Chapters

Chapter Meetings

Twice each semester (Fall and Spring), the CSI-Rho Eta Chapter holds Coffee Talks that feature an expert in the counseling field. Coffee Talks provide students with an opportunity to get to know their peers, grow professionally and spiritually, and get to know faculty and counseling professionals outside of the classroom setting. Light refreshments are provided, along with a time of Q & A, allowing students to network and interact with each counseling professional that visits the chapter meetings. For more information on these meetings, or to find out how you can get involved, contact: our CSI website.

CSI-Rho Eta Executive Team

President: Lana Khoury

Treasurer: Kaeli Dietra

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Nicole Dilella & Dr. Patricia Kimball


Rho Eta Chapter Leadership Committees


Responsibilities include promoting our Rho Eta chapter at the new student orientation and welcome all new members. Provide any formation regarding CSI and eligibility. Collaborate with staff members and chapter advisor to learn of eligible students and be responsible for sending announcements & invitations regarding membership.

Webmaster/Visual Arts:

Responsible for the upkeep of web resources such as our CSI chapter website, Facebook, events page, calendar, and other web resources.


Oversee the nomination and decision process for chapter award search semester, then complete and submit packages to CSI International each fall. Order the awards plaques and assist/lead the awards ceremony at the end of the spring semester. Facilitate the application and decision process for the conference grants each spring.

Community Volunteer & Social Justice:

Be responsible for counseling-related volunteer opportunities in the community and counselor education-related events. Provide information to help our members understand how they can volunteer within the community. Promote awareness, advocacy, and activism for underserved populations through workshops, campus activities, or community outreach.


Hosts events each year to increase chapter funds, which support the goals of our members including conference scholarships, professional development, awards and other chapter activities.


Facilitate article material throughout the semester, and create a bi-annual newsletter each fall and spring summarizing chapter events and updates about current students, alumni, and faculty.

Professional Development:

Provide professional development workshops throughout the year in addition to our Annual Resource Fair each spring.

Health & Well-being:

Provide workshops, experiential activities or information that contributes to the health and well-being of the body, mind, and spirit.


Provide one-on-one based mentoring for interested students. Selected CSI members will be both Doctoral and Master’s level students. Mentorship will provide master’s students with guidance on an array of topics such as the life of a doctoral program, self-care, surviving a master’s program and any topic the mentee chooses. The mentorship for prospective and first-semester master’s students may include becoming acclimated with Lynchburg, practicum sites, making new relationships, navigating through the program, successful tips to balance areas of life, and any other topic the mentee chooses.

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