Gai M. Ferdon, Ph.D.

Dr. Ferdon’s educational background has been interspersed with life-changing missionary experiences and teaching positions in many interesting and intriguing parts of the world. Her experience relative to teaching and instruction spans 38 years both in the United States and abroad.
- Board Member – Foundation for American Christian Education, Chesapeake, VA (2018 to Present)
- Hillsdale College Free Market Forum (2012 to Present)
- American Friend of Tyndale House, Cambridge, UK (2004 to Present)
- Pi Gamma Mu – Indiana Wesleyan University (1988 to Present)
- Friend of the Institute of Historical Research, London, UK (May, 2000-May, 2001)
- Reader at Tyndale House, Cambridge, UK (May 2000-November, 2004)
- Ecclesiastical History Society, Birmingham, UK (2002-December, 2003)
- YWAM (1984-1988)
Courses Taught
- Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise (GOVT. 200)
- Political Economy and Public Policy (GOVT. 350)
- American Political Ideas: The Founders (GOVT. 402)
- American Constitutional History (GOVT. 421)
- Public Policy Development in the Political Environment (GOVT. 458)
Edited Works
- Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise: A Biblical Christian Worldview Emphasis and Interactive Notes (Textbook), 2nd ed. (Dubuque, IO: Kendall Hunt Publishing Comp., 2014, 2019).
- The Political Use of the Bible in Early Modern Britain: Royalists, Republicans, Fifth Monarchists and Levellers (Cambridge, U.K: Jubilee Centre, 2013). Monograph.
- A Republic If You Can Keep It: America’s Authentic Liberty Confronts Contemporary Counterfeits. (Foundation for American Christian Education, Chesapeake, VA, 2008).
- The Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America, Vol. I: Christian Self-Government, Founders Edition (Chesapeake, VA: Foundation for American Christian Education, 1960, 2006).
Research Interests
- Early Modern British and American Political Thought
- Political Use of the Bible, Biblical Law, Old and New Testament History
- Public Policy: Economic Policy; Education Policy; Foreign Policy; Religious and Civil Liberty
- American, US, and British Constitutional History
- Federalism and Civil Government
- Worldview Studies and Apologetics
- Biblical Law, Old and New Testament History
- Hermeneutics