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Student Advising

This page applies to College of Arts & Sciences students/majors only.

Freshmen/Sophomores — find your professional advisor in CASAS.

Juniors/Seniors — have questions about your classes, career field, or future? You may email the professor of your choice from the listing below to set up an appointment in DeMoss Hall.

English Department

English (B.A.) Advising Professor

  • Non-Licensure
  • Teacher Licensure

Dr. Ginny Dow
Phone: 592-5747
Office: DH 4062N

Family and Consumer Sciences

Family and Child Development (B.S.) Advising Professors

Dr. Brigitte Ritchey (A-M)
Phone: 592-7862
Office: DH 4132

Dr. Janet Brown (N-Z)
Phone: 592-7863
Office: DH 4132

FACS:  Professional & Creative Industries (B.S.), FACS: Event Planning (B.S.) and
Internships Advising Professor

Dr. Chelsea Milks
Phone:  592-3644
Office:  DH 4132

Fashion and Interiors (B.S.) Advising Professors

Fashion Merchandising and Fashion Design
Prof. Kim Cashman
Phone:  592-3679
Office:  DH 4132

Interior Design (A-H)
Dr. Lisa Campbell
Phone: 592-4674
Office: DH 4132

Interior Design (I-P)
Mr. Kevin Layell
Phone:  592-3389
Office:  DH 4132

Interior Design (Q-Z)
Prof. Maria Garcia 
Phone:  592-3747
Office:  DH 4132

History Department

History (B.A.) Advising Professor

Dr. David Snead
Phone: 592-3113
Office: DH 4334

History (B.S.) Advising Professor

Dr. Samuel Smith
Phone: 592-3114
Office: DH 4334

History (B.A.) Advising Professor

Dr. Christopher Jones
Phone: 592-6329
Office: DH 4334

Interdisciplinary Studies & Philosophy

Interdisciplinary (B.A. and B.S.) Senior Academic Advisor

Mrs. Deb Simmons
Office:  DH 4382


Dr. Edward Martin
Office:  DH 4382


Mathematics (B.S.) Advising Professors

Dr. Timothy Sprano (A-B)
Phone: 592-4869
Office: DH 4284

Dr. David Wang (C-D)
Phone: 592-3803
Office: DH 4284

Dr. Nathan Putney (E-G)
Phone: 582-2559
Office: DH 4284

Dr. Daniel Schmidt (H-I)
Phone: 592-7270
Office: DH 4284

Dr. Tim Van Voorhis (J-L)
Phone: 582-2535
Office: DH 4284

Prof. Robert Young (M-O)
Phone: 582-7480
Office: DH 4284

Dr. Daniel Majcherek (P-S)
Phone:  582-7743
Office:  DH 4284

Dr. Daniel Joseph (T-Z)
Phone: 582-2227
Office: DH 4284

Actuary Majors

Dr. David Schweitzer
Phone: 592-4868
Office: DH 4284

Modern Languages

ASLI (B.A.) Advising Professors

Prof. Michele Showalter
Prof. Nicolette Velasquez
Phone: 582-2091
Office: DH 4014

Spanish (B.A.) Advising Professor

Dr. Andrew Milacci
Phone: 592-4344
Office: DH 4014

TESL (B.A.) Advising Professor

Dr. Joseph Cho
Phone: 582-2479
Office: DH 4382

TESL (M.A.) Advising Professor

Dr. Stephanie Blankenship
Phone: 592-4344
Office: DH 4312

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