The Provost Award for Excellence in Research Mentorship
Excellence in Research Mentorship
Each year, Liberty University awards up to five faculty members with the Provost Award for Excellence in Research Mentorship. This award recognizes faculty members involved in teaching residential courses who exemplify a commitment to best practices in teaching and mentoring student research.
Research refers to the inquiry that harnesses knowledge, skills, and values to produce new knowledge or to make a new contribution to the discipline. It is recognized that approaches to research vary across the humanities, the creative arts, and the sciences disciplines.
This award process involves a formal student, peer, or supervisor nomination, dean support, faculty input, and student contribution. Winners are determined by a selection committee and will receive $3,000 and recognition at a university event.
2022-2023 Mentorship Award Recipients
Award Criteria
The nominee must be a faculty member involved in research mentorship with residential students. Nominations are accepted from students/peers/supervisors only (no self- nomination).
Evidence of Commitment to Research
- A curriculum vitae that demonstrates specific examples of participation in research and scholarship and contributions to the nominee’s field in his/her specific area of research.
Evidence of Research Mentorship of Students
Evidence should reflect the research mentorship of the nominee during his or her tenure as a faculty member at Liberty University.
- A list of students mentored alongside a brief description of the research project(s)/creative work(s) produced; AND/OR
- The number and description of all research-focused courses that the nominee instructs.
Evidence of Impact on Professional Development of Students
Evidence should reflect the research mentorship of the nominee during his or her tenure as a faculty member at Liberty University in one or more of the below.
- The number of students presenting their research/creative work under the nominee at conferences or professional events, with approximate dates.
- The number of students publishing their work under the nominee as co-authors or primary authors, with approximate dates.
- Description of research/creative work activities that contribute to the development of the student (weekly meetings, expectations for students, mentorship goals, etc.).
Evidence of Success of Mentorship on Student Achievement
Evidence should reflect the research mentorship of the nominee during his or her tenure as a faculty member at Liberty University.
- Awards received by Liberty University student mentees through participation in research/creative works with the nominee.
External Support for Nomination
- Letters of nomination from two students, currently enrolled at Liberty University, who have participated as a mentee of the nominee in a research project/creative work.
- Letter of support from the nominee’s dean. If the research/creative work was an interdisciplinary research project, this should also include a letter of support from the dean of the collaborating school/college.
Follow-Up Expectation
- Faculty receiving this award may be asked to present their best practices (i.e., mentoring students, designing research into a course, publication, etc.) at an OSP&R or CAD Faculty Workshop.
Nomination Forms
The nomination and application process for this award is to be completed in three parts:
Parts I & II
Part I is to be completed by the nominator and submitted to the dean of the nominee for completion of Part II. The dean should plan to submit Part I and Part II of this application by email to by the end of March.
Part III
Part III is to be completed by the nominee upon request from the OSPR and submitted by email to by the end of April.
Center for Academic Development (CAD)
As a primary location for professional development at Liberty University, the Center for Academic Development (CAD) offers information relevant to the promotion of excellence in teaching and learning at Liberty University.
The CAD offers two grants available only to Liberty faculty.