Master Of Arts In Communication
Credit Hours
Class Type
Transfer Credits
Transfer in up to 50% of the degree total
Next Start Date
Jan 13, 2025
Liberty University is accredited by SACSCOC

We Have the Industry Resources You Need to Succeed with Our Master of Arts in Communication!

Imagine yourself creating inspiring content, promotions, and special events in the fast-paced world of advertising and public relations. Sound exciting? Our Master of Arts in Communication could be the degree for you! You’ll receive the knowledge and resources you need to become the next communication director for your dream company.

Whether you want to create, promote, manage, or instruct in some area of communications, we can help. Our communication master’s courses are career-focused, which means you will be taught by industry professionals who bring current best practices and trends right into the classroom. Stay on top of this ever-evolving field with Liberty’s incredible faculty and real-world application teaching style.

Are you excited for a career in special event coordination as a content manager or a communications collegiate instructor? The time is now. Study with Liberty to gain all the resources and mentorship you’ll need to enter this rewarding industry with confidence and biblical integrity. Your future is waiting.

Award-Winning Campus

At Liberty, you’ll find an affordable, high-quality education that equips students like you for the real world. Our commitment to excellence helped us rank among’s Top 10 best college campuses in America. Earning your degree from a nonprofit university with state-of-the-art resources like ours can help set you apart from your peers.

Niche Best Colleges

Why Choose Liberty’s Master of Arts in Communication Degree?

A master’s degree that best prepares you for the current communication industry and makes you stand out among employers is exactly what you need. At Liberty, our Master of Arts in Communication focuses on developing both hard and soft skills. From learning theoretical principles of communication to cultivating interpersonal and group decision-making skills, our master’s degree is designed to make you an asset to future employers.

Additionally, a big part of landing a job in a field like advertising and public relations is centered on professional relationships. As a Liberty student, you will benefit from our extensive network of professors, alumni, and organizations. The results of these established contacts are seen in the fact that 97% of our School of Communication and the Arts graduates are employed full-time in their respective career within one year of graduating.

Prepare for an exciting career by using the resources Liberty can provide to you! Our students have gone on to work for prestigious companies like FOX News, Chick-Fil-A, and Coca-Cola. You deserve a master’s degree that can land you a rewarding position in the ever-changing field of communication. Partner your passion for advancement in this industry with Liberty’s standard of academic excellence and see how far you can go!

What Will You Learn in Our M.A. in Communication Degree?

Liberty’s Master of Arts in Communication degree examines the theories and applications of all major areas of business communication. This includes event planning, donor relations, and social media, as well as the overarching interpersonal, international, and organizational communication presence.

Our courses examine how to best work in small groups to produce innovative solutions. Through these settings, you will develop an awareness of how to incorporate conferences, professional meetings, and community outreach programs you feel will be beneficial.

Additionally, your social media, advertising, and public relations skills will be further developed. You’ll learn how to use these areas of communication to create effective campaigns. All of your coursework is driven by industry trends and pushes you to create cohesive brand messages that tell a powerful story and connect employees and consumers alike.

View the Degree Completion Plan, and check out our featured courses below for more information!

Featured Courses

COMS 524 – Problem Solving and Collaborative Communication

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • An analysis of theories, research, and practice of small group communication in various contexts
  • How to teach effective small group communication and problem solving, while working extensively with peers to increase group decision-making skills

COMS 640 – Event Planning and Donor Relations

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to design theoretical communicative approaches for Implementation in specific contexts such as conferences, professional meetings, celebratory events, and programs for community outreach
  • Working from a praxis approach, the development marketplace through professional, interpersonal, and organization coordination of information and people

STCO 546 – Effective Social Media

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to use social media platforms to build a competitive advantage
  • Extensive integration and application of social media technologies

STCO 658 – Strategic Communication Campaigns for the Digital Age

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The use of integrated marketing communication for strategic movement of organizations, products, and services toward growth
  • The theoretical and practical aspects of the advertising and public relations world, including its role in business, government, not-for-profit, and community organizations


Degree Information


Admission Requirements

Highlights of Our Communication Master’s Degree

Our Master of Arts in Communication degree is a part of the School of Communication and the Arts. As a student of this department, you will receive the following benefits:

  • The curriculum is focused on experiential and hands-on learning.
  • You’ll receive training with over $1 million in state-of-the-art equipment and facilities.
  • You will develop your own professional portfolio while working on our radio and television studios, an on-campus sports network, client promotional projects, and our student-run public relations firm and school newspaper.
  • This degree is career-focused with instructors who have both academic and professional credentials and many of them working in their field as they teach.
  • As a nonprofit, Christian university, we aim to help raise the next generation of media professionals with personal integrity and unshakable ethics grounded in the Christian faith.

Master of Arts in Communication Degree Information

Potential Careers for Communication Master’s Degree Graduates

  • College instructor

  • Content manager

  • Director of communication

  • Nonprofit development director

  • Promotions manager

  • Special events coordinator

Admission Requirements for Graduate Degrees

Every application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and all applicants must submit the following documents and meet the minimum requirements for admission:

  • Admission application
  • Self-certification form for students in the final term of their bachelor’s degree
  • Current Liberty undergraduate students seeking preliminary acceptance into a graduate program must complete a degree completion application through their ASIST account
  • Official college transcripts
  • A regionally or nationally accredited bachelor’s degree with at least a 2.5 GPA for admission in good standing
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