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National Surveys

  • The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is administered by the University of Indiana to measure how engaged students are with various aspects of university life (i.e., classroom experiences, homework assignments, academic advising, etc.). Levels of student engagement on a campus can provide a picture of how students are spending their time and what they gain from attending college. The NSSE is sent out to all first-year and senior students, both online and residential.
  • Ruffalo Noel Levitz provides surveys assessing quality of student life, satisfaction, and priorities. These surveys help identify strengths and challenges and are distributed nationally, allowing for comparisons with other similar universities. The Student Satisfaction Survey (SSI) is sent to all residential students. The Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL) is sent to a large sample of online students.
  • Survey schedule for Liberty University


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