Monica Parson

(434) 582-7030
- Ed.D., University of Virginia
- M.Ed., University of Virginia
- B.S., Liberty University
Dr. Parson serves as a Full Professor at Liberty University. She is an alum of Liberty. She returned to teach at the High School she graduated from as a Physical Education/Health teacher and X-Country/Track and Field coach for ten years. After receiving her Doctorate in Physical Education Pedagogy (the science of teaching) and Curriculum and Instruction at The University of VA, she taught for six years at a college in NC prior to returning to Liberty. She enjoys teaching undergraduate students how to become effective teachers, so they will be qualified to find jobs teaching Physical Education and Health in public and private schools.
Courses Taught
- PHED 203 Tumbling and Rhythmic Activities
- PHED 204 Softball/Volleyball
- PHED 208 Motor Learning
- PHED 209 Motor Learning Lab
- PHED 228 Beginning Swimming
- PHED 229 Intermediate/Advanced Swimming
- PHED 232 Volleyball
- PHED 225 Weight Training
- PHED 232 Recreational Sports: Archery
- PHED 435 Seminar for Student Teachers
- HLTH 252 Drugs in Society
- Former Editor, (AAER) Association for the Advancement of Educational Research International
- Publication Board Member, (AAER) Association for the Advancement of Educational Research International
Edited Works
- Margaret Sanger, Eugenics and “Race”; The Myth of Multitasking and other Misconceptions about Learning; Eugenics to Euthanasia
Research Interests
- Physical Education Pedagogy