Jonathan Waugh, Ph.D.

Jonathan Waugh is a Professor in the Respiratory Therapy Program in the School of Health Sciences at Liberty University. He obtained a B.S. degree in Respiratory Therapy from the University of Central Florida, and M.S. in Allied Health and interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Cardiopulmonary Science from the Ohio State University and has twenty-five years of experience in higher education. He has experience creating programs and curricula including BS and MS programs, and a university center for teaching and learning.
In his past role as director of a university center for teaching and learning, Jonathan worked with faculty from all schools and colleges on campus, promoting interprofessional collaboration and often working with individuals who were having difficulty in the classroom. He has served on SACSCOC reaffirmation executive and QEP committees. He has experience ensuring respiratory therapy students have full participation in interprofessional simulations for learning including critical care, disaster/biohazard and poverty simulations.
Jonathan teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses on the topics of physiology and pathophysiology, mechanical ventilation and critical care, patient assessment and disease management, research methods and research mentoring. In addition to respiratory therapy students, he has taught research courses (traditional and online) for nurse anesthesia, clinical laboratory sciences, genetic counseling and biotechnology, and physiology/pathophysiology (online) for nurse practitioner doctoral students.
Jonathan’s research has included both bench and clinical investigations focusing on artificial ventilation, ventilation monitoring, high flow therapy and medical device testing. He has obtained grant support from the private sector, foundations and Federal subawards. Two NCI subawards involved ten academic medical centers that sought to enhance tobacco prevention and treatment in medical curriculum. A two-year Health Services Foundation grant trained faculty from different medical and health professions to teach students how to be proficient at treating/educating patients from different cultural backgrounds (train-the-trainer).