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Nancy DeJarnette, Ed.D.

Director of Accreditation and Assessment | Professor


  • Ed.D., Teaching & Learning, Liberty University
  • Ed.S., Instruction, Liberty University
  • M.S., Elementary Education, Minnesota State University at Mankato
  • B.S., Elementary Education, Minnesota State University at Mankato

Courses Taught

  • EDUC 988 – Dissertation II
  • EDUC 778 – Program Design & Assessment
  • EDUC 701 – Advanced Learning Theory & Research
  • EDUC 623 – Principles of Behavior Management
  • EDUC 622 – Education Assessment & Intervention
  • EDUC 606 – Tests & Measurements
  • EDUC 530 – Teaching Mathematics (MAT Program)
  • EDUC 500 – Advanced Psychology
  • EDUC 301 – Tutorial for Math Teachers
  • EDUC 205 – Learning Theory & Portfolio Development
  • EDUC 200 – Principles of Education
  • EDUC 220 – Differentiated Teaching & Learning (Elementary)
  • EDUC 126 – Technology in Education


Dr. Nancy DeJarnette joined the Liberty University School of Education as a Professor and the Director of Accreditation and Assessment in 2022. Previously she consistently served LUO as an adjunct. She has been directly involved with Educator Preparation (CAEP) accreditation since 2015. Dr. DeJarnette has served in teacher preparation in higher education for the past 15 years. Prior to that she was a teacher in both middle and elementary schools for 15 years.


Professional Memberships

  • ASCD Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
  • NSTA National Science Teachers Association
  • NERA Northeastern Education Research Association

Research Interests

  • edTPA Teacher Performance Assessment
  • STEM in the Elementary School
  • Teacher Education
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching


  • DeJarnette, N.K. (2024). Culturally responsive teaching. Teachers of Vision. Winter. Pg. 8-9.
  • Wallace, K. & DeJarnette, N.K. (Accepted for Publication – in production, 2023). edTPA as Educative, Evaluative, and Enduring Professional Tool for Guiding Teachers’ Development? Teacher Development. DOI: 10.1080/13664530.2023.2254280
  • South, C.L. & DeJarnette, N.K. (2022). RULER: A social emotional learning program’s impact on school climate. Education, Society and Human Studies. V(3), N(1). DOI: 22158/eshs.v3n1p52
  • DeJarnette, N.K., Moeller, J., & Wallace, K. (2021). Impact of the edTPA on teacher candidates’ perceptions of preparedness to teach. American Journal of Educational Research and Reviews.4(84). DOI: 10.28933/ajerr-2021-10-0305
  • DeJarnette, N.K., Deeb, R.S. & Pallis, J. (2021). Impact of a STEM Mobile Laboratory Initiative on K-12 Students in High Needs Schools. Published in the ASEE Regional Conference Proceedings. (October, 2021)
  • DeJarnette, N.K., Deeb, R.S., & Pallis, J. (2021). Academic collaborative efforts to promote STEM equity in high needs schools. Education, Society and Human Studies. V(2), N(3).
  • DeJarnette, N.K., McCulloch, R., Ngoh, N.N., & Badara, I.A. (2020). Professional development for science teachers on integrating STEM: A Case Study. The Journal of Education and Culture Studies. 4(1). p. 56-76.
  • DeJarnette, N.K. (2018). Early childhood STEAM: Reflections from a year of STEAM initiatives implemented in a high-needs primary school. Education 139(2). p. 104-118.
  • DeJarnette, N.K. (2018). Implementing STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) in the early childhood classroom. European Journal of STEM Education, 3(3). p. 18.
  • DeJarnette, K. (2016). America’s children: Providing early exposure to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) initiatives. Reading Improvement. 53(4). p. 181 –188. (Article selected for “Classic Reprints.” The articles are selected based on the quality of the article and the timeliness of the topic – Editor.)
  • DeJarnette, N.K. & Sudeck, M. (2016). Advocating for a Cause: Service-Learning in K-12 Classrooms. Journal of Social Studies Education Research. 7(1). p. 140-162.
  • DeJarnette, K., (2016). Changing perceptions of clinical practice candidates in high-needs schoolsThis article was published in School-University Partnerships, the Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools. (May, 2016)
  • DeJarnette, K. & Sudeck, M. (2015). Supporting Clinical Practice Candidates in Learning Community Development. Teacher Development, 19(3). p. 311-327.
  • Moretelli, & DeJarnette, N.K. (2014). Clickers to the Rescue! Technology Integration helps boost Literacy Scores. The Reading Teacher. 67(8). p. 586-593.
  • Jahan, K. & DeJarnette, K. (2014). A Mobile Program for Enhancing Engineering Education. Published in IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Xplore Digital Library. Paper was presented at the Frontiers in Education International Conference, Madrid, Spain, October, 2014. DOI: 10.1109/FIE.2014.7044361.
  • DeJarnette, K. (2012). America’s Children: Providing Early Exposure to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Initiatives. Education. 133(1). p. 77 – 83.
  • DeJarnette, K. (2009). The trait-based classroom: Improving children’s writing with the 6+1 Trait Model. Presented online at the American Institute of Higher Education (AmHighEd) via VYEW, Internet Division. Nashville, TN.
  • DeJarnette, K. (2009). Improving children’s writing with the 6+1 Trait Model. Manuscript published in the International annual conference for the International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation (ICERI) (Internet Division) proceedings. Madrid, Spain.
  • DeJarnette, N.K. (2008). Effects of the 6+1 Trait Writing Model on student writing achievement. Dissertation presented at Liberty University for the degree Doctor of Education, Ed.D. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
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