Digital Journalism Minor

Residential Minor in Digital Journalism
Enhance your writing skills with a minor in Digital Journalism from Liberty University. Gain insight into how the future of writing is changing and learn how to communicate well in the digital age. Practice writing for various mediums, including the newsroom, press releases, and public relations materials. Develop an understanding of diverse writing styles, including social media, sports, and strategic writing.
Study under professors who are experienced in journalism and dedicated to their Christian faith. Gain hands-on writing experience and hone your communication skills as you prepare to succeed in your future career.
This minor is open to students in any major.
Academic Information: Residential Minor in Digital Journalism
Featured Digital Journalism Courses
- News Writing & Reporting I (JOUR 220)
- News Writing & Reporting II (JOUR 354)
- Social Media Writing (JOUR 356)
- Sports Writing (JOUR 370)
- Editorial and Opinion Writing (JOUR 373)
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