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Associate of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies


Credit Hours

Customize Your Degree

Choose from over 20 general and specialized areas of study

Transfer Credits

Transfer up to 75% of degree total to Liberty

Industry Expertise

Dedicated faculty with years of teaching experience


Liberty University is accredited by SACSCOC

Customize Your Degree

Choose from over 20 general and specialized areas of study

Transfer Credits

Transfer up to 75% of degree total to Liberty

Industry Expertise

Dedicated faculty with years of teaching experience


Liberty University is accredited by SACSCOC

Residential Associate of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (A.A.)

Explore your unique passions as you prepare for your career with an Associate of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. Customize your education with courses that specifically prepare you for your next steps. Study in an environment that is rooted in biblical principles and dedicated to academic excellence.

What Is Interdisciplinary Studies (INDS)?

Interdisciplinary studies is a degree program you design yourself. Here’s how our INDS associate program works. Select any combination of major courses that total 20-23 credit hours. Take advantage of the freedom to choose the foundational courses that will support a future bachelor’s degree or meet the prerequisite requirements for a trade or specialized program. This combination of general education courses and open-ended major-specific courses will help you stand out as you further your education.

Types of Students Who Benefit From an INDS Associate Degree:

  • Goal-oriented students
  • Disciplined students
  • Transfer students
  • Students of all ages
  • Students with many interests
  • Students with a specific career path in mind

This degree is offered through the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies.

Academic Information: Associate of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies

Credit Hours

  • 60 credit hours

Program of Study

A.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies

Admission Requirements

View Liberty’s undergraduate admissions requirements

Prepare For Your Career with an Associate of Arts in INDS

Get started on your wide-open career path through an A.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies. With this degree, you can get context and meaning to many disciplines, including:

  • Registered Nurse
  • Computer Programmer
  • Web Developer
  • Physician’s Assistant
  • Occupational Assistant
  • Welder
  • Paralegal
  • Carpenter
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