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Guideline to Giving

By: Joseph Faucette

The Key

If I told you I knew the key to happiness, freedom, peace, and fulfillment, I expect you would ask: “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” The truth is these qualities of life come at a price…our bank account. And, no, I’m not talking about expensive vacations, therapy sessions, or books on self-help. Happiness, freedom, fulfillment, and peace comes through the sacrificial giving of money.

The World

Granted, the concept of charitable giving is not new to modern culture; however, the purpose of giving found in the Bible stands in contrast to the world’s view of giving. I would claim modern culture perceives monetary giving or generosity as a means to feel good about ourselves – a coping mechanism for selfish spending or a boost in our pride. Some perhaps give to save money through tax benefits. Still, others give simply to fulfill an altruistic call they have in their life. While these purposes of giving aren’t inherently wrong, they are not the reason God calls us to give away our money. The Biblical foundation for financial giving stands on the reality that our money first and foremost is NOT ours!!!

The Bible

Psalms 24:1 reads “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Any decision we make with money must be centered in light of this truth: God owns everything. God is the Creator of the Universe in Genesis 1 & 2. God is the powerful Author and Sustainer of creation in Job 38-41. God is the God is the Master in Matthew 25, entrusting money for his servants to steward. The culmination of our existence is held in the hand of God. He graciously blesses us with experiences, possessions, and money.

The Call

Since we understand that our financial blessings are ultimately given to us by God, the question must be asked: “What does God want me to do HIS money?” God calls us to use our money primarily in four different ways: provide for yourself and your family, give generously, pay back taxes and debts, save and invest for the future. Over 100 verses in the Bible talk about tithing, giving, or generosity. A few key passages to point out would be 2 Corinthians 8-9 and 1 Timothy 6:17-19. In these passages God calls Christians give generously out of gratitude for God’s blessing and as provision for the needy.

The Response

Now for practical application. Honestly, there is no formula for giving. The Bible offers guidelines describing the proper heart posture behind giving as well as different ways to give, but ultimately, giving will look different in everyone’s life. The way a college student gives will look different than someone about to retire. God-honoring giving lies not in a specific amount or number, but rather the natural outflow of a generous heart. Determining how much we should give is a conversation between ourselves and God. He has created us uniquely with different aspirations, opportunities, and lifestyles, and giving should be interwoven through it all.

The Results

Giving provides numerous benefits. First, giving enables us to participate in financially blessing the world and the people around us. Many times, in the New and Old Testament, through stories or Jesus’ words, the importance of providing for the orphans, widows, poor, and needy is stressed. Because of God provides us money to give, we can change people’s lives. Second, giving does yield tax-benefits. Giving away money can significantly reduce income, capital gains, and estate taxes. And third, giving brings happiness, freedom, peace, and fulfillment through creating an attitude of contentment. When we release our grip on money, we grow in appreciation and satisfaction for the blessings we have.

The End

For empirical research on the effects of giving, I highly recommend watching this TEDx video titled Money Can Buy Happiness. I hope this article encourages and challenges you to prioritize giving in your life.


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