EDU Redesign – What Does It Mean For Me?
If you are a Web Manager user but your website is not, there should not be any change to how you edit your pages. There will not be any change to the design of your website. If you haven’t checked your inbox yet, you’ve missed the email announcing there’s a redesign for the…
|Old Document Deletion
In my last post, I asked everyone to delete old documents out of their File Managers so that we prevent misinforming site visitors and generally looking like we don’t keep up with our content. My coworkers and I will now begin deleting old files out of File Managers. If you’d like to prevent our…
|Important Pages and Page Deletion
The more important the information on one of your department’s webpages, the more likely that another department’s webpage may be linking to it. Therefore, it is necessary that you do not delete pages with perennial or very important information on them. Rather, update them with new information as needed. For example, the Financial Aid department…
|Tutorial: Navigation Sets
We’ve moved this information to a new home. Check out the Navigation Menus Tutorial page.
|New WYSIWYG Editor Version
The WYSIWYG editor has been upgraded to version 2.3.1. You will notice a few minor changes: By default, pressing the ENTER button results in a double-space. Press SHIFT+ENTER to create a single line break. This makes formatting much easier! For example, I’m able to have different paragraphs within this numbered list by pressing SHIFT+ENTER. If I press…