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Denise Thomas

Forensic Speech Coordinator, Instructor, Strategic and Personal Communication, SCA

(434) 582-7832


  • M.A. Communication Studies
  • B.S Theatre and Counseling


Denise Thomas has come full circle at Liberty. As an undergrad, she majored in theatre, which is now under the School of Communication and the Arts. After college, she worked in educational theatre, theatre administration, film and voice acting, and she has written for the stage. Denise is the co-founder and managing director of Masterworx Community Theater and the writer/director of the Virginia Christmas Spectacular. Since 2015, she has been Liberty’s forensic speech competition coach and taught as an adjunct, and is happy to now be joining the SCA faculty as a full-time Instructor.

Research Interests

  • Speech Communication
  • Why and how we tell stories


  • Christians in Theatre Arts
  • National Christian College Forensics Association Executive Committee

Courses Taught

  • Persuasion
  • Political Rhetoric
  • Narrative
  • Storytelling
  • Performance
  • Speech Communication
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