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Bruce Kirk, Ed.D.

Associate Professor, Digital Media & Journalism, SCA


  • Ed.D., Educational Leadership, Liberty University
  • M.A., Communication, Spring Arbor University
  • BGS, Kent State University


  • 33 years in the broadcasting field in 8 markets and with 12 stations in radio and television
  • Winner of 5 television Emmys with 2 in investigative journalism
  • Vast political work included interviewing U.S. presidents Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Vice President Walter Mondale
  • Conducted features on political figures like President Ronald Reagan, presidential candidates Sen. John McCain, Sen. Ted Kennedy and Sen. John Glenn, and on numerous national party conventions
  • International and national travel covering news in Australia, Brazil, Canada, and Mexico, as well as across the United States
  • Covered Super Bowls, NBA, and NHL finals
  • Held almost every position in the field, including assignment editor, producer, executive producer, editor, photographer, reporter, field anchor, studio anchor, field producer, special projects producer, executive producer, managing editor, assistant news director and news director
  • Voice for Faith & Freedom site, Liberty Counsel
  • Freelance audio/video work

Teaching a wide range of communication and digital media courses both residential undergraduate and graduate, Dr. Kirk has also guided or assisted with curriculum development for the B.S., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in the former Department of Digital Media & Communication Arts. He served in multiple administrative capacities including department chairman for School of Communication & Digital Arts (SCDC), internship coordinator for SCDC and Studio & Digital Arts (SADA), and as an instructor in various undergraduate and graduate courses with Liberty University Online (LUO). Additionally, he has presented at several conferences on topics related to God as a communicator and the role of social media in a digital media classroom.


Bruce Kirk has a passion for communication and digital media. He has taught residentially at Liberty University first as an adjunct professor starting in 2003 and then full-time faculty in 2009, as well as teaching online. Dr. Kirk’s teaching responsibilities include both undergraduate and graduate coursework ranging from undergraduate courses such as Speech Communication, Professional Announcing, and TV News Production, as well as graduate courses in Communication for Teachers, Organizational Communication Theory and Practice, Communication and Conflict, and Media Technology & Communication Strategies.

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