Kappa Mu Epsilon
“Kappa Mu Epsilon is a specialized honor society in Mathematics. KME was founded in 1931 to promote the interest of mathematics among undergraduate students. Its chapters are located in colleges and universities of recognized standing which offer a strong mathematics major. The chapters’ members are selected from students of mathematics and other closely related fields who have maintained standards of scholarship, have professional merit, and have attained academic distinction.” – kappamuepsilon.org
VA Gamma, established April 30, 1987, is Liberty University’s chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon, one of three active chapters in Virginia. Math faculty invite students who meet specific academic standards to join. Those who accept the invitation are inducted during the annual meeting, usually held during the spring semester.
The Crest: “The crest is a shield enclosing the five-pointed star; in the star is the graph of the rose ρ = a sin (5ϑ) , the symbol of pure mathematics. Around the star are five symbols indicative of the many applications of mathematics : at the upper right is a conventionalized butterfly, for the biological sciences; at the lower right is a moon and three stars, for the physical sciences; at the bottom is the symbol S angle n, for the business world; in the lower left is a shamrock and a slide rule, for the engineers; at the upper left is a book of knowledge, for the students and teachers who are continually extending the boundaries of mathematics and its applications. Above the shield is the design of the badge of the Society, and below it is a streamer upon which is printed the Greek motto.” – kappamuepsilon.org
- The Motto: “Develop an appreciation for the beauty in mathematics”
- The Flower: Wild Rose; the symbol of pure mathematics.
- The Colors: Pink representing the wild rose and Silver representing the five-pointed star