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Get Help Paying for School

There are several ways in which Army ROTC can help you pay for school. Financial assistance ranges from 4-year scholarships for high school students to 2 and 3-year scholarships for current university students.

Scholarships for High School Students

High school students planning to attend a four-year college program can apply for a scholarship through the U.S. Army Cadet Command website.

Students can submit an application through the national scholarship process upon receiving final high school junior grades and achieving a qualifying SAT or ACT scores. Army ROTC scholarship will begin awarding scholarships as early as November of the student’s senior year of high school.

The deadline to submit an application is traditionally January 10 each year.

Steps for Applicants

  1.  Complete online application
  2.  Submit High School transcripts, ACT or SAT scores, and ROTC Physical Fitness Assessment results to U.S. Army Cadet Command.
  3. Complete an interview with the Professor of Military Science (senior Army officer in charge of the college program).

Line Scholarships

Line scholarships are available to currently enrolled ROTC cadets and can be 2 or 3-year scholarships. These cadets will compete for active duty slots among their peers across the country and be measured on the OML (Order of Merit List) according to their college GPA, Physical Fitness, and leadership potential.

These scholarships will be given based on merit as all other scholarship positions.

Minuteman/GRFD (Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty)

Minuteman (4, 3, or 2 Year Scholarships)

The four-year National Guard (NG) and Reserve option were initiated in 2015. There are limited allocations (4) per state and USAR Major Subordinate Command (MSC) and are awarded to the best-qualified applicants. Although these scholarships were designed for soldiers currently serving in NG or Reserve units, they can be awarded to candidates who are willing to serve once the scholarship is offered.

Two and Three-year GRFD Scholarships

The Two and Three-year GRFD scholarship can be awarded to soldiers currently serving in NG / Reserve units or an ROTC candidate willing to serve in the NG / Reserves while in school and after commissioning as an officer.

Nursing and STEM Scholarships

Those students who are enrolled in Nursing or STEM fields will apply the same way that all other cadets apply for the Line or the GRFD Scholarships. However, oftentimes Cadet Command will set aside additional funds for applicants in these fields. Scholarships will still be awarded on merit.

Green to Gold for the Currently Enlisted

The Army Green to Gold Program provides Enlisted Soldiers an opportunity to pursue a commission as an Army Officers. Soldiers can work toward either a baccalaureate or graduate degree while participating in the ROTC leadership program.

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