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Letter from Dean of Students


Welcome to Liberty University.  We are excited that you have joined our community and to partner with you in this adventure we call higher education.  Like any great epic, your odyssey in higher education will be full of tremendous victories and, at times, challenging circumstances.  One of the most wonderful things about being part of a community is that you are not trekking alone.

First and foremost, never forget that the Lord is with you (Josh. 1:9) and has a plan for your life, plans to prosper you, not to harm you (Jer. 29:11).  You have been created for the ultimate purpose of glorifying your Creator (Rev. 4:11).  You exist for this sole pursuit.  No other purpose in life is eternally meaningful without giving God glory.  All other pursuits are vain outside of this primary purpose.  Find your focus in glorifying God.  You can glorify God by obeying Him (1 Sam. 15:22).  To obey God without legalism; you must love Him (John 14:5). This is why the first commandment is to love God (Mark 12:30).

Liberty University provides many resources to help students and parents through the challenges they face in their journey.  The Dean of Students Office oversees four teams: Community Life, CARE and Support, Academic Integrity, and Educational Programming.  Please follow the links to learn more about these teams of amazing people dedicated to your success as a student.

It is my prayer for you that you live with purpose.  We were never promised easy, and we were never promised happiness.  God promises He will never leave or forsake us (Deut. 31:6), which is our source of great joy.  If you are focused on yourself, you are on the path to discouragement and depression.  If glorifying God is your purpose, when tested, you will persevere.  The key to biblical resiliency is loving God and obeying Him.  Let’s thrive together.

In Christ,

Dr. Mark Hyde

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