Camp and Outdoor Adventure Leadership Minor

Residential Minor in Camp and Outdoor Adventure Leadership
Equip yourself for a wide variety of career and ministry opportunities with a minor in Camp and Outdoor Adventure Leadership from Liberty University. Learn how to facilitate small groups, study group management skills, and develop an understanding of how to form true communities of faith with the gradual progression of building trust.
Gain hands-on experience planning events, leading groups, and asking open-ended questions. Lead and participate in group games specifically designed to facilitate ministry opportunities. And learn from qualified professors who are grounded in their faith and committed to their fields of study.
Academic Information: Residential Minor in Camp and Outdoor Adventure Leadership
Featured Camp and Outdoor Adventure Leadership Courses
- Introduction To Church Ministries (CHMN 201)
- Introduction To Camp and Outdoor Leadership (CLCM 210)
- Foundations and Programming in Camp and Outdoor Leadership (CLCM 220)
- Christian Camp: Site Plan and Design (CLCM 310)
- Managing The Christian Ministry Organization (CLCM 370)
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