During An Emergency

Reporting an Emergency
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Find out when and how to report an emergency on the Liberty University campus. Also, learn from the Department of Emergency Management & Community Engagement (EMCE) what you should do during an emergency at Liberty University.
When to Report an Emergency
An emergency is defined as any threat to life and/ or property that requires immediate response from police, fire, or medical services.
- Serious injury or illness
- Crime in progress
- Fire or explosion
If you are unsure if an incident is an emergency, call LU Emergency Communications at (434) 592-3911 or 911.
Reporting an Emergency on Campus
Action Guidelines
To report an emergency on campus:
- Make sure you are in a safe location, otherwise find one.
- Do not attempt to interfere with the situation, except for self-protection.
- Observe the activity from a safe distance.
- Call LU Emergency Communications at (434) 592-3911 or 911.
- Tell the dispatcher:
- Your location
- Phone number from which you are calling
- Nature of the emergency
- Do not hang up unless your safety is threatened or you are told to do so.
- Watch for the arrival of emergency personnel and direct them to where they are needed.
- After the emergency personnel arrives, stay out of the way but do not leave the area.
Clery Act Crimes
Clery Act Crimes include murder and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, sex offenses (forcible and non-forcible), robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, and hate crimes as defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook.
To report a Clery Act crime:
Any Clery Act crime committed on or near Liberty University campus should be reported to LU Emergency Communications at (434) 592-7641.
During an Emergency
In the event of an emergency, you will be notified by:
- The outdoor sirens of the Liberty University Emergency Warning System
- Announcement on myLU
- Mass email to all Liberty University email addresses
- The Campus Alert System (sign up required)
- Announcement on The Journey radio 88.3 FM
A second notice will be distributed when safety has been restored.
The Campus Alert System
The Campus Alert System is the comprehensive communications solution that allows Liberty University to quickly disseminate an urgent message through multiple communication mediums. If there is a condition that significantly threatens the health and safety of persons on campus, university officials will warn the campus community through the notification system in conjunction with other communication measures, such as the outdoor sirens and social media.
Alerts will be sent by the Liberty University Emergency Management & Community Engagement, and include:
- Life-Threatening Situations
- Hazardous Material Situations
- Fire
- Road Closings
- School Closings
- Severe Weather
Users can select from text message, voice phone call, or email notification methods for different types of non-life-threatening alerts and choose which alerts go to which devices. For example, road closings can be sent to email and school closing sent via text message or phone call. All users who sign up for the Campus Alert System will receive “Life-Threatening Situations” alerts.
Additional Emergency Notification Locations:
Action Guidelines
Assess the facts presented in the message and determine your course of action (evacuate, shelter-in-place, or avoid the area).
Sign Up for Campus Alerts
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Evacuation Procedures
The primary purpose for evacuating is to put distance between you and the hazard. Depending on the type of emergency, evacuation procedures may vary.
Action Guidelines
- Leave the area. Take personal items (e.g., keys, wallet, cell phone, etc.) only if it’s safe to retrieve them.
- Assist individuals with disabilities
- Do not use elevators.
- Go to the designated evacuation assembly area, unless otherwise instructed.
- Provide relevant information (e.g., unaccounted/trapped persons) to emergency responders.
- Do not return until cleared to do so by emergency responders.
The term “Shelter-in-Place” is used to refer to situations where it is safest to remain indoors rather than face uncertainty outside. Depending on the emergency, appropriate areas to shelter may vary. When sheltering, seek safety by placing barriers between you and the danger. This could include walls, rooms without windows, locked doors, and furniture.
Action Guidelines
- Find a safe location.
- Shut all doors and windows.
- Stay away from areas exposed to the threat.
- Enact barriers between you and the threat.
- Await further information from emergency responders.
Individuals with Disabilities
Individuals with physical disabilities can prepare for emergencies before they happen by coordinating with the Office of Disability Accommodation Support (ODAS). ODAS is available to discuss emergency procedures with students and familiarize them with evacuation routes specific to their housing and classroom assignments. ODAS can be reached at (434) 592-4016 or odas@liberty.edu.
Assisting Individuals with Disabilities
Action Guidelines
- Check on people with disabilities during an emergency.
- Ask if someone needs help before giving assistance, how you can properly provide assistance, and if any items need to accompany them.
- Do not use elevators for emergency evacuation.
- Follow the steps below based upon impairment.
Mobility Impairment:
- If a person cannot exit the building, ask if assistance is needed.
- If they elect to await evacuation assistance, escort the person to the nearest stairwell or another predetermined area of refuge.
- Some individuals with mobility impairments who are able to walk independently may be able to negotiate stairs with minor assistance.
- Do not try to carry anyone with a mobility impairment. You could do more harm to them or yourself.
- After you leave the building, immediately inform emergency responders of the location of the person awaiting evacuation.
Blindness or Visual Impairment:
- Give verbal instructions about the safest route or direction using directional terms and estimated distances.
- Ask if assistance is needed, if so, offer your elbow and provide guidance through the evacuation route. This may be especially helpful if there is debris or a crowd. Never grasp the arm of the person you are assisting.
- While escorting a person out of the building, explain as you are walking where you are going and what you are doing.
Deafness, Hearing Loss, Language Difficulty:
- Get their attention by eye contact or touch, if necessary.
- Communicate the problem including the need to evacuate. Gesturing and pointing are helpful, but be prepared to write a brief statement if the person does not seem to understand.
- Offer visual instructions to designate the safest route or direction by pointing toward exits or evacuation maps.
- Offer to escort them from the building.
EMCE Office Address
4550 Mayflower Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501