LU Stages Mission Statement
LU Stages exists to develop Champions for Christ through campus-wide events and ministry experiences. While in session, the students meet twice a week at Convocation to hear nationally-known speakers from a variety of fields. They also meet once a week at Campus Community for worship and spiritual growth.
LU Stages Events
Liberty University Convocation
Wednesday & Friday | 10:30 am | Vines Center
Liberty’s Convocation is the assembling of the student body in order to educate, inform, and inspire. Liberty University’s founder, Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr., had a vision to see doctors, lawyers, teachers, entrepreneurs, and other professionals from all walks of life impacting the world for Christ in their respective fields. It is this idea that frames the purpose of Convocation – to ensure that the community of students on campus are trained and equipped to take their place in that vision. As a result, students hear from a variety of speakers. Just as important as what a student believes is how and why they believe it. So, although students might not agree with the viewpoint of every guest, such guests present the opportunity for robust and healthy discussion among students, helping them better understand their own viewpoints and how to defend them.
Campus Community
Wednesday | 7:00 pm | Vines Center
Campus Community is the central gathering place for worship and spiritual growth at Liberty. All spiritual life flows out of this Word-centered worship service.