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Project Unity

LU One, in partnership with the the Studio and Digital Art program in the School of Communication and the Arts, presents the Unity in Lights art installation competition, a celebration of biblical unity and the message of Christ. The event featured ten breathtaking Christmas tree art installations created by 20 talented artists. Attendees were invited to reflect on the hope and joy of the gospel while enjoying s’mores, hot chocolate, and the impactful ambiance of the holiday season.


Unity in Lights Winners!


Ariana Murphy & Marie Shumaker
Prize: $4,000 Scholarship ($2,000 each)

Art Brief: Everyone Has a Story. Some people are rich while others are poor. Some people live easy, comfortable lives while others live a life of toil and labor. Some people are joyful and full of life while others are grieving and lonely. Some people are healthy and young, and others are aged and sickly. There are differences in age, gender, and ethnicity all around the world. It seems impossible for anyone to be united as one. This tree is based on the passage in Galatians 3:26-28, “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Jesus Christ and what He did for each of us on the cross is what unites all of us together, no matter the differences.

Placed around the tree are various picture frames of different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some frames are old with scuff marks, while others are clean and pristine. These frames signify the differences in everyone’s lives. Inside these frames is a drawing that captures a moment in a person’s life. Some are happy and some are sad. Some are rich and some are poor.  Despite these contrasts, around each individual person’s head is a golden halo. This golden halo is taken from the old artistic style that was used in many historical art pieces to represent the Holy Spirit living inside of the individual. What Jesus did for us on the cross, enables us to be united.

At the top of the tree, there is a wooden star with a golden crown of thorns in the center. Jesus did not get a pretty golden halo, but rather He got a piercing crown of thorns. Jesus bled and died for us on the cross. The red throughout the tree signifies His blood spilt for our sins. Through His sacrifice we are able to be united as one in Christ Jesus. Our lives are not our own, and our stories are not our stories. Through all the differences in people’s lives, we are all living the same story which is Jesus Christ’s gospel story of redemption. From the joyous birth of a new born child to the grieving loss of a loved one, we are all united.”



Timothy Soboleski and Tyler Dailey
Prize: Priority Internship Opportunity

Art Brief: With God We are One (PDF)
Just as these mirrors may have scratches and imperfections, we too carry our own sins, scars, and flaws.

Yet, despite all of this, God’s uniting love for us remains constant and unwavering.

He is the ever-forgiving God, offering grace no matter our imperfections.




Sara Castillo and Kate Fricke
Prize: Priority Internship Opportunity

Art Brief: For the first annual LU ONE Unity in Lights competition, our given prompt is “Unity in the Body of Christ.” While brainstorming we wondered, “What is more unified than all of humanity worshiping Christ at the end of the ages?” From there our tree was born.

Our tree is inspired by Revelation 4 and 5, which detail the worship that happens before the throne of God. The united church is present, God’s appointed elders, God’s heavenly angels and creatures, and the rest of creation itself, all crying out to God giving him the glory he deserves. The conquering King opens his special scroll, and all of the universe cries out with joy, for the Messiah is now returning to finish evil once and for all.

We wanted to showcase that glorious moment when every creature, no matter how great or small, bows before the throne of God. All of creation participates in worshiping the King, who is above all and worthy of it all.

Honorable Mentions

Allison Wright & Savannah Dunham

Ella Whelan & Kayli Rickwa

Gabriella Harrison & Lauren Harrison

Sarah Ellis & Christina Pan


Kalie Baker & Anna McCullough

Anna Beecher & Kersten Lohmeyer


Stephanie Izaguirre & Morgan Bennett


Congratulations and Thank You to Our Unity in Lights Artists!

To all the talented student artists who contributed to our first Unity in Lights, congratulations on the incredible impact of your work! Your creativity and dedication brought to life ten stunning art installations that beautifully embodied biblical unity and celebrated the hope Christ brought to the world. These illuminated expressions have not only captivated the Liberty University community but also deepened our understanding of the biblical Christmas message.

Liberty University Executive Leadership extends their heartfelt gratitude and recognition for your artistry and effort. Your work has created a space for reflection, joy, and connection during this season, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who experiences the display.

Thank you for making Unity in Lights a beacon of hope and togetherness on our campus!


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Location and Hours

Main Office: Green Hall 1569
LU One Lounge: Montview Student Union 2760
Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Emergency Contact Information (LUPD)

LUPD Emergency: (434) 592-3911
LUPD Non-Emergency: (434) 592-7641


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