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British advisor speaks on climate change


On Wednesday, Liberty University Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr., promised students an unusual convocation and that is what they got. Lord Christopher Monckton, the first member of British “royalty” to speak at convocation, presented issues with the current climate change scare driven by prominent figures within the scientific and political communities.

Monckton, Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, is chief policy advisor to the Science and Public Policy Institute. He has held various prestigious titles — businessman, policy advisor, newspaper editor, writer, classical architect and puzzle inventor.

Monckton served as an advisor to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s policy unit and is a renowned advocate of Euro skepticism.

After first hearing Monckton on the Neal Boortz radio program a couple of years ago, Falwell said he knew he had to have him come and share with the students.

“He was so brilliant, so articulate and he was so politically incorrect on the issue of climate change,” Falwell said.

In introducing Monckton on Wednesday, Falwell encouraged students to consider the issues surrounding this false fear of climate change.

“There are so many lies and distortions about what really is happening with the environment and so many who try to use this issue to take away freedoms, to tax us and to gain power for themselves,” Falwell said.

Monckton began his speech with his best attempt at a southern accent, playfully affirming, “Howdy Liberty University!” He then took on a more serious tone as he paid tribute to founder Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr., recognizing him for his recently accomplished dream of having 50,000 students enrolled at the university.

Lord Monckton with Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr. at the March 10 convocation.

“If you want a monument to Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr., then just look about you, you are his monument.”

Monckton went on to speak about the fallacies involved with many current-day views regarding climate change. He referred to Al Gore’s documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” as a “mawkish, sci-fi, comedy horror movie dreamt up by a PR guy” and exposed several exaggerations, some explicit lies, within the film.

Students found the presentation both eye-opening and entertaining, as it called them to once again challenge majority opinion, media content and so-called scientific facts.

Monckton ended his appearance with a quote from former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, “‘The university should be a place of light, of liberty and of learning,’ and you are a place of light and of liberty and of learning.” He then participated in a question-and-answer session with students regarding global climate change.

  • To read more about Monckton’s views on climate change, click here.


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