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Liberty staff members receive advertising awards

Two Liberty University staff members were recognized at the 24th annual Admissions Advertising Awards sponsored by Higher Education Marketing Report.

Josh Rice, a graphic designer with the University Advancement office, received a bronze award in the Direct Mail Advertising section for his design of a flyer encouraging alumni to attend Liberty’s 2008 Homecoming.

ultimateLU videoErick Petersen, creative director with the Center for Advanced Media Production at Liberty, received a silver award in the Television/Advertising Series section for his team’s creation of the Ultimate LU promotional video, which highlights extracurricular and recreational activities offered at Liberty. The Ultimate LU video production team included Hannah Smith as producer, Matt Ritchey and James Banks as videographers and editors, and Ena Klous and Kristin Antes as production assistants. The team was the runner-up to a University of Montana promotional video that was created by an outside independent video production company, Chisel Industries.

Two more graphic designers with the University Advancement office were recognized with merit awards: A.J. Chan for his design of Liberty’s Winterfest promotional poster and Caleb Atkins for his design of the “Seven Reasons You Should Choose Liberty” promotional brochure for prospective students.

The Admissions Advertising Awards is the largest educational advertising awards competition in the country. This year, more than 2,000 entries were received from more than 1,000 colleges, universities and secondary schools from all 50 states and several foreign countries. Judges consisted of a national panel of admissions marketers, advertising creative directors, marketing and advertising professionals and the editorial board of Admissions Marketing Report.



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