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Center for Research

Center for Research

The Mission

The Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine (LUCOM) Center for Research exists to support LUCOM faculty and students as they pursue excellence in research and scholarly activity. 

The greater than 8,500-square-foot Center for Research features eight state-of-the-art molecular and cellular labs, a large central lab, a dedicated administrative suite, and an expanded animal facility.

Five Year Goals (2024-29)

LUCOM aims to enhance the research and scholarly activity of its faculty and students through the following primary goals:

  1. Increase opportunities for LUCOM students to engage in mentored scholarly or research activity throughout the 4-year curriculum.
  2. Increase collaboration across university departments, with an emphasis on expanding research and scholarly activity in osteopathic manipulative medicine and the osteopathic approach to patient care.
  3. Develop and maintain streamlined processes for securing intramural research funding for faculty and students.
  4. Increase access to resources and personnel to support and expand basic, clinical, and educational research and scholarly activity.
  5. Develop an environment that fosters life-long learning and facilitates the submission of competitive applications for extramural funding.
  6. Increase research and scholarship productivity and impact via dissemination in peer-reviewed journals and at professional conferences.
  7. Increase awareness and engagement of the LUCOM Cureus publishing platform and the annual LUCOM Research Day.

      Research Day
      Cureus Channel
      Laboratory Access and Contacts
      Pre-Clinical Research Elective
      Funding for Research and Scholarly Activity
