Professor of Anatomy
- PhD, Florida State University
- MS, Florida State University
- BSN, Old Dominion University
Dr. Swanson has over 40 years of experience in teaching of physiology, endocrinology, gross human anatomy, and small animal surgery in the biological science. His research has been in reproductive physiology, bioelectrics, and cancer. He has participated in externally funded research totaling over $8M including DOD, NSF and several foundations.
Dr. Swanson has had post-doctoral scholars from countries outside the USA collaborate on research while working in his laboratory.
Courses Taught
- Biological Foundations of Medicine – BFOM
- Integument and Musculoskeletal Systems – IMSK
- Cardiovascular Respiratory Hematologic System – CVRH
- Gastrointestinal System and Nutrition – GINUTRI
- Endocrine and Reproductive Systems – ENDREP
- Nervous System/Head and Neck – NERVEHN
- Urinary System – URI
- Gastroenterology – GI
- Cardio/pulmonology – CP
- Women’s Health – WH
Professional Memberships
- American Association of Anatomists
- Anatomical Society
- American Association of Clinical Anatomists
- Christian Medical and Dental Association
- American Society of Reproductive Medicine
- American Association of Bioanalysts
- American Board of Bioanalysis
- Bioelectromagnetics Society
- European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
- Society for the Study of Reproduction
- Society of Ultrasound in Medical Education
- Virginia Anatomical Advisory Board
- Serebrovska Z, Dosenko V, Tertykh VA, Dorovskych A, Tumanovska L, Bolbukh YI, Swanson RJ, Shysh A, Portnichenko G. Biodistribution, elimination and biological properties of cerium dioxide nanoparticles immobilized on the surface of silica nanoparticles. Toxicology Reports, Submitted June (2018). Submission no: TOXREP_2018_425
- Chen X, Chen Y, Kolb JF, Miao X, Swanson RJ. Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field (nsPEF) Causes Instantaneous Cellular Membrane Modulation by Altering Calreticulin Expression. Biochimica Biophysica Acta Biomembranes, Submitted July (2017)
- Serebrovska Z, Swanson RJ, Portnichenko V, Shysh A, Tumanovska L, Dorovskych A, Dosenko V. Multicomponent herbal extract manifests anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and increases oxygen consumption in course of experimental pneumonia in rats. Journal of Herbal Medicine, Submitted July (2017).
- Chen X, Chen Y, Jiang J, Wu L, Yin S, Miao X, Zheng S, Swanson RJ. Nano-pulse stimulation (NPS) ablate tumors and inhibit lung metastasis on both canine spontaneous osteosarcoma and murine transplanted hepatocellular carcinoma with high metastatic potential. Cell Death and Disease, Accepted March 26, 2017.
- Serebrovska Z, Swanson RJ, Portnichenko V, Shysh A, Pavlovich S, Tumanovska L, Dorovskych A, Lysenko V, Tertykh V, Bolbukh Y, Dosenko V. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect of cerium dioxide nanoparticles immobilized on the surface of silica nanoparticles in rat experimental pneumonia. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2017 93:69-77, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2017.05.064.
- Mahadevan K, Patthipati VS, Han S, Swanson RJ, Whelan EC, Osgood C, Balasubramanian R. Highly fluorescent resorcinarene cavitand nanocapsules with efficient renal clearance. Nanotechnology, 2016, 27(33):257-71. http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0957-4484/27/33/335101/pdf
- Ramírez-González JA, Vaamonde-Lemos R, Cunha-Filho JS, Varghese AC, Swanson RJ. Overview of the female reproductive system, Chapter 2 in Exercise and Human Reproduction – Induced Fertility Disorders and Possible Therapies. Editors: Vaamonde D, du Plessis S, Agarwal A. ISBN: 9781493934003 pp.19-46 (2016) Springer.
- Oehninger SC, Swanson RJ, Matorras R. Overview of Fertilization, Gestation and Parturition, Chapter 3 in Exercise and Human Reproduction – Induced Fertility Disorders and Possible Therapies. Editors: Vaamonde D, du Plessis S, Agarwal A. ISBN: 9781493934003 pp.47-67 (2016) Springer.
- Swanson RJ, Serebrovska Z. Intermittent Hypoxia Remedies Male Sub-fertility. In: Intermittent Hypoxia and Human Disease. Ed. Xi L, Serebrovskaya TV, Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp121-127. ISBN: 978-1-4471-2905-9 (Print) 978-1-4471-2906-6 (Online) DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2906-6_1 [http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-1-4471-2905-9/#section=1078989&page=1].
- Mankovskaya I, Serebrovskaya Z, Swanson RJ, Nosar V, Lyabakh K, Serebrovskaya T. Oxygen-dependent processes in tissues under adaptation to intermittent hypoxia and their clinical significance. In: Adaptation Biology and Medicine, vol. 3: New Frontiers. Ed. Josef Moravec, Nobuakira Takeda, Pawan K. Singal. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, Madras, Bombay, Calcutta, London 2002, p 137-154.
Research Interests
- Embryo and fetal development in the presence of Vaping products
- Nanosecond electrical pulses potential to disrupt musculoskeletal function, ablate melanoma cancers and other cancers, reduce or alleviate pain response
- Embryo and fetal development in the presence of medical drugs and environmental toxins