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Medical Student & Professional Organizations

SGA 2024

Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine has a variety of student organizations to meet the interests, needs, and desires of all students.

College of Osteopathic Medicine Student Council

The student council president is the LUCOM representative on the Council of Student Government Presidents (CSGP) of the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM). CSGP is an organization composed of the student government presidents from each of the osteopathic medical schools.

Student Government Association (SGA)

OMS-1 and OMS-2 will elect a student council president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian, director of community outreach, and a wellness coordinator in February of each academic year.

These officers will begin in their service to the student body in April of the academic year, and will remain in office for one year.

Class Officers

OMS-1 will elect a class president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian and historian in the fall semester after the first grades have been posted. The OMS-2 officers will be elected in February of the OMS-1 year. All officers will serve as representatives for the student council.

All officers may serve for more than one year and may succeed themselves in office. The officers elected for the OMS-3 class shall serve as the officers for the class during the OMS-3 and OMS-4 years and will be elected during the spring semester of the OMS-2 academic year.

View current SGA and class officers.

Student Activity Groups

The Office of Student Services must first approve all extracurricular activities, as well as, recognize all on-campus and off-campus organizations that are identified with LUCOM. Requests for permission for off-campus speakers, student meetings or activities and other individual or group activities on campus should be made on forms provided by the Office of Student Services.

Clubs and Organizations

A variety of clubs and organizations are approved on campus – a non-inclusive listing of organizations is below.

American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP)

LUCOM-ACOEP exists to support emergency medical care while promoting the interests of osteopathic emergency physicians. The organization also supports the development and implementation of Osteopathic Emergency Medical Education (OEME), as well as, advances the philosophy and practice of osteopathic medicine.

American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP)

LUCOM-ACOFP seeks to advance the study of family practice in the field of osteopathic medicine and surgery. The organization works toward the advancement of family medicine and the family practitioner’s role and scope of practice, the advancement of access to quality, patient-centered, cost-effective health care for the patient and the principles of preventive and primary care. The chapter recognizes the fact that the family practitioner is the backbone of modem medical practice. The Virginia Society of the ACOFP is the state division of the national organization and maintains a direct liaison with the LUCOM chapter. Membership in this organization entitles students to benefits such as seminars, educational programs, and financial support to various family practice conferences.

American College of Osteopathic Internists (ACOI)

The mission of the LUCOM-ACOI is to advance the practice of osteopathic internal medicine. Through excellence in advocacy, education and research, and the opportunity for service, the ACOI strives to enhance the professional and personal development of the family of osteopathic internists. To accomplish such direction, LUCOM-ACOI has the following core values: 1) leadership for the advancement of osteopathic medicine, 2) excellence in programs and services, 3) integrity in decision-making and actions, 4) professionalism in interactions, and 5) service to meet member and patient needs.

American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians (ACOP)

LUCOM-ACOP is the student chapter of the official pediatric organization of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA). This student organization is open to those desiring to specialize in pediatrics or those interested in family medicine and other fields in which pediatric patients will be encountered. The national organization is often sought out when agencies need resolutions concerning the practice of pediatrics. ACOP’s government relations and advocacy efforts represent the interests of osteopathic pediatricians before Congress and other governmental bodies, as well as, in coalition with other organizations that focus on children’s welfare.

American College of Osteopathic Surgeons (ACOS)

This group is designed for those who seek excellence in osteopathic surgical care. The organization exists through core values such as honesty and integrity, adaptation to medical advancements and leadership, and ultimately, surgical excellence.

American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians Gynecologists (ACOOG)

This national organization fosters an enhanced interest among student-doctors in obstetrics and gynecology and provides information, as well as, opportunities for enhanced experiences and knowledge in the discipline.

Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons (AMOPS)

The student chapter of this national organization is open to all LUCOM student-doctors in the military or public health service. The chapter serves as a liaison between on-campus military students, those on rotations, military alumni, and organizations.

Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA)

The Christian Medical and Dental Association is a national organization that began in 1931. The LUCOM chapter is composed of osteopathic student-doctors and other health care professionals at Liberty University who are committed to living out their faith through their profession and the example of their lives while providing support for medical students and their families. Benefits of the club include local events as well as regional and national seminars, journals, and newsletters.


The COSGP, previously known as the Council of Student Presidents, was established in 1972 as an official council of the American Association of College of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM). COSGP serves as the official national representative voting voice of all osteopathic student doctors. COSGP works to maintain communication, disseminate information, foster student leadership, and provide a mechanism for the exchange of ideas between student-doctors of different colleges of osteopathic medicine.

Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG)

Emergencies present themselves to the physician at any and all times. As a club, LUCOM-EMIG seeks to instill precepts necessary for handling an emergency properly and appropriately serving their overall interest for emergency medicine.

National Osteopathic Women Physicians Association (NOWPA)

NOWPA is a service and social organization dedicated to the support and education of women in the osteopathic profession. Founded in 1904 under the name Delta Omega, NOWPA strives to serve and educate its members by fostering a network with other professionals through mentorship programs, community service, social events, and guest speakers.

Student Advocates Association (SAA)

The LUCOM chapter of SAA is organized for those who support the student-doctors at LUCOM and is chartered by the Advocates to the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA). The primary objective of the SAA is to further the goals of LUCOM and the osteopathic profession and to support the student-doctors, as well as, those that support them by promoting fellowship, goodwill, and unity within the school.

Student National Medical Association (SNMA)

The Student National Medical Association was created to produce sensitive, qualified
physicians to serve minority and indigent communities. SNMA focuses on (1) providing its members with avenues that help foster an obligation to practice medicine within minority communities; (2) instituting programs for the dissemination of health care information and the empowerment of minority communities; and (3) serving the fraternal needs of minority medical student-doctors.

Student Osteopathic Internal Medicine Association (SOIMA)

LUCOM-SOIMA is the student affiliate of the American College of Osteopathic Internists (ACOI), the national certifying board for osteopathic internists. SOIMAs purpose is to educate osteopathic student-doctors about the opportunities open to osteopathic physicians specializing in internal medicine.

Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA)

This is the official student organization of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and the representative body for Osteopathic Medicine within the U.S.A.

The Student Osteopathic Medical Association is one of the largest student groups on campus of the Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, representing more than 90 percent of most student bodies. SOMA’s national affiliations with similar groups at other schools provide the largest network for information exchange and interaction available today. Membership in SOMA brings many benefits including free subscriptions to Student Doctor and Medical Student and discount prices on diagnostic equipment, the Preceptorship Program, SOMA scholarships, life insurance programs, and more. Locally, SOMA is involved in the school, hospital, and citizen communities through various service projects and socials.

Student Osteopathic Surgical Association (SOSA)

SOSA is dedicated to providing the aspiring surgeon with relevant information about the ever-growing field of surgery. In addition, SOSA is constantly looking for new ways in which student-doctors can contribute to the community through volunteer programs.

Student American Academy of Osteopathy (SAAO)

The Student American Academy of Osteopathy is a professional organization dedicated to serving osteopathic medical students. It is the COM’s extension of the American Academy of Osteopathy (AAO), a national association established in 1937. The academy maintains the goal of developing the science and art of total health care, with an emphasis on palpatory diagnosis and the use of osteopathic manipulative medicine. Membership in SAAO allows student-doctors to receive the AAO publications and to attend the annual convocation, both at reduced prices.

Virginia Society of Osteopathic Medicine Association (VOMA)

VOMA student chapter is the student division of the state osteopathic association. It is open to all osteopathic student-doctors and deals with those medical and political issues unique to the state of Virginia. Benefits include invitations to a variety of conferences and educational programs, as well as financial support to these programs and scholarships.