
A Beginner’s Guide to Intramural Sports

August 19, 2022

Written by Sammy Flecker, previous Intramural Sports Coordinator

Get your sneakers, cleats, and bats ready because Liberty Intramurals Sports is back! As we welcome you into the new school year, we also want to welcome newcomers. The Intramurals department offers a wide selection of sports that any Liberty student, faculty, or staff member can participate in — including team and individual sports as well as tournaments. To register for an Intramural Sport, you’ll use IMLeagues. Let’s give you a quick run-down of the site!
IMLeagues 101
While our site houses general information about Intramural Sports, is where you will go to have full access to all our sports. You will be able to register as a captain, join a team, become a free agent to potentially be picked up, and schedule your own games if you are registered for an individual sport.
In order to access it, you will first have to create an account and select Liberty University as your “school/organization”. Please make sure that the information inputted is correct, including the proper spelling of your name and email. Your Liberty email is going to be a direct point of contact for updates on registration, game cancellations (weather), forfeits, etc.
Paying and Registering …

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

August 5, 2022

Written by Julie Rogers, Rock Wall Manager

Like most incoming freshmen, finding community was on the top of my priority list when I first came to Liberty. We all want to find a group of people to belong to, a group of people to share life with and build long lasting memories with. While my freshman year hall did provide me with a great group of people, I learned quickly that college is a unique place to grow and meet many diverse groups and types of people. A last-minute evening decision to head to LaHaye and check out the rock wall with some girls from my hall quickly turned into a major part of my college experience. The climbing community was something I didn’t know I needed or even wanted, but quickly became one of the biggest blessings to me during my time at Liberty.
My Experience
The very first thing that I took notice of during my first visit to the LaHaye Rock Wall was the atmosphere of the people. From the welcoming staff to the other climbers, people just seemed to be genuinely having a great time in each other’s company. I tried out bouldering for the first time and immediately developed …

How God Brought Me to Hydaway

July 22, 2022

Written by Sidney Williamson, Hydaway Outfitter Manager

Four and a half years ago, I was faced with the decision about where I was going to go to school. I visited Liberty during a CFAW weekend, prayed about my decision of which school to choose, and just so happened to stumble upon the Hydaway website around that time. I was immediately sold on going to LU after seeing pictures of the facility and looking at the various activities they offered for students. The main regret I have is not trying to work at Hydaway sooner. I spent my first year at Liberty working in a work-study job at one of the call centers. While I loved the people, the office life just wasn’t for me. I remember applying for a work-study position for Hydaway while in between phone calls at the call center.
Applying to Work at Hydaway
Three years ago, in May 2019, I sent in my application to work at Hydaway. However, my hopes were soon shot down when I received an email saying that all positions had been filled for the upcoming school year. I remember feeling so discouraged, yet hopeful at the same time. I knew God had a plan and …

Bowl with Decorum, Please

July 8, 2022

Written by Abigail Gonzalez, Montview Recreation Manager

So, you fancy yourself a bowler, eh? Before you can truly qualify as such, you must first be made of aware of the do’s and don’ts of every bowling alley facility. Etiquette is both highly valued and immensely appreciated by the upper crust bowling audience and participants, and it is plain shameful to not be well-versed in such societal standards. If you are attempting to climb the ladder of the bowling elite and make a name for yourself among the first-class crowd but possess no real, tangible knowledge of bowling alley decorum, then look no further; this blog is for you.
The Do’s
Becoming a respected member of any bowling alley goes beyond just skill and work ethic. In fact, how well you bowl and how many hours you put into your craft matter not even a smidgen if one does not have proper bowling etiquette. Impressing your peers on the lane can only go so far when you have no respect for their games (or at least, it seems as though you do not because you do not have a well-rounded understanding of how to behave when bowling).
First “do” of the day: give the bowlers …

Safety at the Equestrian Center

June 24, 2022

Written by Kelly Shaw, Farm Management Coordinator

Whether you are visiting, riding, or working with the horses, safety at the Equestrian Center is very important. By following the safety guidelines listed below, you help ensure a great experience for yourself, as well as for our horses. Read on to learn the importance of wearing proper attire, knowing how to read a horse’s body language, and being aware of your own behavior around our equipment and animals.
Wardrobe Etiquette
When visiting the Equestrian Center, you should wear some form of closed-toed shoes. Wearing a pair of boots or closed-toed shoes will also help protect your foot in the event you were to get stepped on. If you are riding during your visit, you need to wear a pair of close-toed boots that will keep your foot from sliding around or out of the stirrups. Riders also must wear riding pants or unripped jeans and a fitted shirt.
Safety in the Barn  
Safety in the barn is important for both us and our horses. Never enter a stall without the explicit permission and supervision of the Equestrian Center staff. Make sure you stay alert, watch your surroundings, and be aware of the horses you are working with. …

Deciphering the Letters and Numbers on Ammo Boxes

June 10, 2022

Written by Josh Bryant, Assistant Director of Programs & Equipment

So, you’re looking for some ammo. Walking into a gun store and seeing shelves with all manner of number and letter combinations can be quite intimidating. We’re going to try to take some of the guess work out of it so you can make a decision with confidence.
Generally, the number/word combination with the biggest font will be the caliber. That’s the most important bit of information for which you’re looking. The number denotes the caliber. If you’re not sure which you need, this information should be marked on the barrel and/or slide of the gun. The number is important, but the word after it can be as well. For instance, there is significant difference between .357 Mag and .357 Sig. Most of the time, there is just the one number for caliber. However, sometimes there is another number, such as 7.62×39, 5.56×45, or 9×19. The first number is still the caliber, but the second number denotes the length of the cartridge.
Oftentimes, you’ll see a two- or three-digit number followed by the letters ‘gr.’ This stands for ‘grain’ and denotes the weight of the projectile. Caliber plays into this equation significantly.
Sometimes, you’ll find …

Positive Body Image in the Gym

May 27, 2022

Written by Heather Salvia, Associate Director of Fitness and Programming

The gym is supposed to be a place where people can go to improve their physical fitness, develop friendships and community with others, and have access to a variety of equipment to meet their needs that they wouldn’t otherwise have at home. But there is one fact about coming to the gym that reigns true over time — going to the gym makes us more aware of how we look, for better or for worse.
In an ideal world, everyone would humbly see their unique beauty; there would be no false standard to hold themselves to. Physical fitness would not be dependent on aesthetics but rather strength, mobility, and metabolic function. We would see our inherent value, apart from appearance, and God’s intentionality in discussing the status of our hearts, not our glutes or biceps.
In our real, fallen world, this may not always be how we feel. In the 12 years I have been working within a gym setting, I can understand the highs and lows of this reality and have been there myself. This is why I want to drop some encouragement to anyone coming into the gym who needs a reminder …

Tales from the Lodge

May 13, 2022

Written by Pearson Bonnett, Assistant Director of Lodge Operations

Overlooking Liberty University’s campus from the top of Liberty Mountain, the Barrick-Falwell Lodge hides an avid outdoorsman’s stories of courageous expeditions and frightful encounters. These awe-inspiring tales are concealed in the numerous taxidermies displayed on the walls of the Lodge. Recently, I had the privilege to hear some of the stories from a living legend, Dr. Alan Barrick.
Background of Dr. Alan Barrick
To begin, who is Dr. Alan Barrick? A close friend to Jerry Falwell Sr., Dr. Barrick is a longtime supporter of Liberty’s mission and has donated a large portion of his hunting collection to the university. Dr. Barrick served in the Air Force as a dentist for several years before transitioning his career to a clinic. During this time, he made trips all over the world to hunt some of the world’s most dangerous animals. “Fair chase,” the type of hunting Dr. Barrick preferred, describes hunting big game animals where the hunter does not have an unfair advantage over the animal.
Doctor vs Grizzly
When Dr. Barrick starts a story with “that was a life-or-death situation,” you know things are about to get thrilling. He was hunting in the Cassiar Mountains in Northern British Columbia. …

Virginia Summer Adventures Bucketlist

April 29, 2022

Written by Katy Ward, Assistant Director of Outdoor Adventure

It’s getting to be that time…time to make some summer plans! Lucky for you, we are located in a state absolutely full of adventure – there’s something to suit everyone’s fancy! We believe that everyone is capable of venturing out and trying something new. Hopefully, with the help of this list, you will find something that catches your attention and plan your own trip. Let’s jump in!
Devil’s Marbleyard
This hike is an absolute blast! After a short 1-mile hike, you find yourself at the base of an 8-acre rock scramble. From the bottom, you can’t even see the top peak. What makes this adventure fun is you get to pick how you climb, and if you do not feel like climbing there’s a trail that follows the rocks to the top. This climb is the perfect mixture of rock climbing/bouldering, hiking, and sightseeing. It can be as easy or as technical as you want it to be. There are no set paths; you create your path the whole way up! On the way down, you can choose to climb your way back to the trail, or you can take the parallel trail back down.
A couple …

Pool Safety Tips for Everyone

April 15, 2022

Written by John Bobe, Lifeguard

Safety — when it comes to pools, lakes, beaches or any body of water — is something everyone can and should pay attention too. But how does one stay safe in an atmosphere where there are potential dangers like drowning, slippery surfaces, and even harmful chemicals? Thankfully, there are usually lifeguards in these areas to help keep people safe. However, it is always important for each person to act responsible for the safety of themselves and the people around them. As warmer weather is on the horizon, I wanted to share some tips on what you can do to stay safe, as well as how to react if a dangerous situation were to arise.
How to Avoid the Danger
As a lifeguard we are trained in water rescues and first aid, and we are also trained in preventative measures that we or patrons can take to prevent injuries or drowning. Continue reading for insider info on the tools of the water safety trade.
First, make sure you pay attention to the depth of the pool, especially if you don’t know how to swim or aren’t a very skilled swimmer. Sometimes if we are sitting on the edge of the pool or …