Safety and Concealed Carry Classes

Liberty Mountain Gun Club provides Liberty students, faculty, staff, and family members thereof the opportunity to learn and practice safe firearm handling through a sequence of classes directed toward concealed carry. Each course is two hours in length, and designed to progressively develop your gun safety and concealed carry knowledge and skills. Classes must be taken in order, with proof of attendance at the prior class being required. All classes will be held at LMGC and begin promptly at the designated time.
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This course is a pre-requisite for all other courses. This course is an introduction to firearms safety — a perfect opportunity for new users to learn how to safely operate their firearms. It will also allow a Virginia resident over the age of 21 to apply for their concealed carry permit once the course is completed. It can be useful for getting a Liberty University concealed carry permit but is not required. This course is a required prerequisite for all other courses offered.
- Attire MUST include a crew neck shirt and CLOSE TOED shoes.
- Firearm, eye-and-ear protection, and everything else needed to complete the course will be provided.
- If bringing your own firearm, please leave it in your car until after the indoor instruction portion of the course.
Prerequisite: The General Firearms Safety course is a pre-requisite for this course. Proof of prior attendance at either the LUPD or LMGC Safety Course meets the pre-requisite requirement.
Practical Application 101 focuses on the best practices and practical considerations for people while carrying a firearm concealed. Inert guns and holsters will be available to try out during the class. We will discuss some considerations for responsible concealed carry permit holders, interacting with law enforcement, firearms in your home, and the pros and cons of various firearms and holsters. There will not be a range portion for this class. General Firearms Safety is a course prerequisite.
- Please bring a belt as well as a light jacket, sweater, or other outerwear to simulate some of the concealed carry options you will be shown.
- Do not bring any firearms to this class.
- There is a $15 fee due at registration for this course.
Prerequisite: Practical Application 101 is a pre-requisite for this course.
Practical Application 201 will be primarily range time with an emphasis on self-defense and practical scenarios encountered while carrying a firearm. We will have several common “carry” type pistols available to try but encourage attendees to bring their own. General Firearms Safety and Practical Application 101 are course prerequisites.
There is a $15 fee due at registration for this course.
Prerequisite: General Firearms Safety is a pre-requisite for this course.
Self Defense in the Home is an outgrowth of Liberty’s concealed carry classes. Instead of focusing on the broad concept of carrying a concealed carry firearm while an individual is out in the public, this class focuses on measures a citizen might take while defending themselves and their families within the confines of their home. We will cover a number of issues such as ethical considerations, mental preparation, how the layout of your home might influence your choices, and firearms safety. General Firearms Safety is a course prerequisite.
There is a $15 fee due at registration for this class.
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